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Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition

Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition


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Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition Bank Test , Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition Textbook , Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition PDF , Essentials of Nursing Practice 1st edition eBook , Catherine Delves-Yates

Category : Health & Nutrition

Table of Content:

Step-by-Step Clinical Skills Procedures
Notes on the Editors and Contributors
Part A Learning to be a Nurse
1 What is Nursing and What is a Nurse?
What is Nursing and What is a Nurse?
A Very Brief History of Nursing
An Introduction to the Fields of Nursing Practice
Professionalism and Nursing
The Attributes of Good Nursing
Chapter Summary
2 Being a Nursing Student
Studying for a Nursing Degree
Nmc Standards and Escs
Learning About all Fields of Nursing
What is Expected of you as An Independent and Professional Learner
Learning in a Placement
The Challenges you Might Meet
Chapter Summary
3 Core Academic Skills
The Relationship Between Theory and Practice
An Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
The Relationship Between Reflection and Evidence-Based Practice
Strategies for Finding and Judging the Quality of Evidence
The Importance of Correctly Citing Sources of Evidence
Chapter Summary
4 Academic Writing and Assessment Skills
Academic Writing
Assessment Skills
Academic Support
Chapter Summary
Part B Professional Practice
5 Ethics
What do We Mean by Ethics?
The Importance of Values
Ethical Theories
Ethical Principles
Ethical Decision-Making
Chapter Summary
6 Law
Understanding Negligence
Court Cases
The Law and Providing Healthcare
Chapter Summary
7 Accountability and Professionalism
An Overview of Accountability
The Importance of Professionalism in Nursing
Fitness to Practise
Chapter Summary
8 Resilience
What is Professional Resilience?
Professional Requirements for Good Health
Psychological Concepts for Resilience
Chapter Summary
9 The Role of the Nursing Student in Effecting Change
The Changing NHS Structure and Systems
Being a Leader as a Nursing Student
A Leadership Model for Nursing Students
Spreading Innovation
Chapter Summary
10 Clinical Governance
Quality in Health and Social Care Settings
Why Quality Monitoring is Important
A Definition of Clinical Governance
An Overview of the Seven Pillars of Clinical Governance
The Role of the Nursing Student in Ensuring Quality Care
Chapter Summary
Part C Fundamentals of Nursing Care
11 Delivering Effective Care
What Makes Good Care and What Makes Care Good?
How you Can Apply Quality Care Initiatives Within Your Practice
The Role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in Making Care Good
When Care is Not Good
Chapter Summary
12 Introduction to Nursing Theory
A Toolbox for Nursing
Nursing Theory – How Models for Nursing Practice are Constructed
Using Nursing Philosophy in the Care you Deliver
Chapter Summary
13 Value-Based, Person-Centred Care
What is Value-Based, Person-Centred Care?
Person-Centred Care
What to do If Care is Not Value-Based Or Person-Centred
Chapter Summary
14 Patient, Service User, Family and Carer Perspectives
What It Means to be a Patient
Types of Carers
How Can Healthcare Professionals Help?
Planning Care Collaboratively
Chapter Summary
15 Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (Apie)
The Role of Apie
Chapter Summary
16 Core Communication Skills
Why Communication is so Important
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Communicating with Children
Communicating with Non-English Speakers
Chapter Summary
17 Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Challenging Circumstances
Communication Challenges in Nursing
Handling Challenging Situations
Support for You
Chapter Summary
18 Assessing and Managing Risk
Risk Assessment and Management in Nursing
Risk Assessment
The Skills Needed to Effectively Manage Risk
Risk Management
Chapter Summary
19 Record-Keeping and Documentation
What is Record-Keeping?
Legal and Professional Issues Related to Record-Keeping
Ensuring you Keep Satisfactory Records
Consequences of Poor Record-Keeping
The Role of the Nursing Student in Record-Keeping
Chapter Summary
20 Clinical Decision-Making
Clinical Decision-Making
Types of Decisions
How Nurses Make Sound Decisions
The Decision-Making Process
The Role of Patients
Chapter Summary
21 Health Promotion
Nurses’ Role in Health Promotion
Defining Health
Inequalities in Health
Promoting Health in Nursing Practice
Nurses as Role Models
Chapter Summary
22 Safeguarding
What do We Mean by the Term ‘Safeguarding’?
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
The Legal Framework
The Safeguarding Role of Nurses
Chapter Summary
23 Patient Education
Why Patient Education is Important
What is Patient Education?
Behaviour Change and Goal-Setting
Understanding the Nurse’s Role in Sourcing and Sharing Information
Chapter Summary
Part D Skills for Nursing Care
24 Infection Prevention and Control (Ipc)
Infection Prevention and Control and Standard Precautions
The Importance of Hand Hygiene
Standard Precautions and Gloves
Your Responsibilities as a Waste Producer
Management of Used Linen
Chapter Summary
25 Clinical Measurement
Fundamental Skills in the Care of all Patients
Respiratory Rate (RR)
Pulse Rate (Also Known as Heart Rate = HR)
Blood Pressure (BP)
Capillary Refill Time (CRT)
Early Warning Scoring Systems
Urine Output
Blood Glucose
Weight (WT)
Chapter Summary
26 Pain Management
An Understanding of Types of Pain
Assessment of Pain
Managing Pain
Chapter Summary
27 Aseptic Technique and Specimen Collection
Asepsis and Aseptic Technique
Asepsis and Your Practice
Specimen Collection
Chapter Summary
28 Skin Integrity
The Skin
Caring for a Patient with a Wound
Pressure Ulcers
Leg Ulcers
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Surgical Wounds
Traumatic Wounds
Wound Assessment and Management
Chapter Summary
29 Safer Handling of People
The Principles of Safe Patient Moving and Handling
Remaining Healthy
Efficient Movement Principles
Chapter Summary
30 First Aid
The Priorities of First Aid
The Abcde of Resuscitation
Medical Emergencies
Chapter Summary
31 Medicines Administration
Medicine Optimization and Holistic Person-Centred Care
Administering Medicines
Calculating the Right Dose
Chapter Summary
32 Assisting Patients with their Nutritional Needs
Malnutrition in the UK
Nutritional Screening and Assessment
Care Planning
Providing Assistance and Support
Adjuncts Assisting a Patient’s Nutritional Intake
Chapter Summary
33 Assisting Patients with their Elimination Needs
Assisting Patients with their Elimination Needs
Assessing Bowel Functioning
Bedpans, Urinals and Commodes
Use of Incontinence Pads
Caring for a Patient with a Urinary Catheter
Chapter Summary
34 Assisting Patients with their Hygiene Needs
Hygiene and Person-Centred Care
Your Role as a Nurse in Assisting a Patient with their Hygiene Needs
Oral Care
Washing and Trimming Nails
Chapter Summary
35 Last Offices
Cultural and Spiritual Considerations
Performing Last Offices
Following Last Offices
Psychological Care
Caring for Yourself
Chapter Summary
Part E Contexts of Nursing Care
36 Introduction to the Organization and Settings of Care
A Brief Overview of the Development of the NHS
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care
The Organization and Delivery of Healthcare in the UK
Challenges Facing the UK Healthcare System
A Patient’s Journey Through An Experience of Care
Chapter Summary
37 Public Health
What is Public Health?
Why is Public Health Important?
Inequalities in Health
Public Health Policy
Public Health Practice in Nursing
Chapter Summary
38 Introduction to Interprofessional Working
Understanding the Importance of Interprofessional and Multi-Professional Working
Working as An Individual and Working in Partnership with Others
Benefits and Challenges of Interprofessional Working
Chapter Summary
39 Introduction to the Psychological Context of Nursing
Why Psychology is Applicable to Nursing
Understanding Psychology and Psychological Approaches
Psychology and the Patient
The Psychological Impact of Attitude
Chapter Summary
40 Introduction to the Sociological Context of Nursing
What is Sociology and Why Should We Study It?
Understanding Key Sociological Perspectives – Family, Poverty, Disability and Stigma
Chapter Summary
41 Introduction to Health Policy and the Political Context of Nursing
Health Policy, Politics and the Political Context of Nursing
The Impact of Health Policy Devolution in the UK
Uk Health Policy Themes
Chapter Summary
42 Introduction to the Global Context of Nursing
The Global Role of the Nurse
Differences and Similarities in Healthcare Systems and Patients’ Health Beliefs Across Countries and Cultures
The Importance of Cultural Competence in Nursing Care
International Placements and Learning Opportunities
Chapter Summary

Product Details:

Language: English
ISBN-10: 1446273105
ISBN-13: 978-1446273104
ISBN-13: 9781446273104

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Section III: Motivating Employees
Chapter 7: Motivation: Core Concepts
Chapter 8: Motivation: Learning and Rewards
Section IV: Building Relationships
Chapter 9: Group Processes and Teams
Chapter 10: Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Chapter 11: Organizational Communication
Chapter 12: Cross-Cultural Differences and Adjustments
Section V: Creating Change
Chapter 13: Stress in the Context of Organizational Change
Chapter 14: Organizational Culture
Chapter 15: Leading Change

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