Friday, May 31, 2019

Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition

Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition Bank Test , Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition Textbook , Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition PDF , Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition eBook , Richard P. Seiter, Saint Louis University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. The History of Crime and Corrections
2. Sentencing and the Correctional Process

3. Jails
4. Probation and Intermediate Sanctions
5. Prison Systems
6. Parole and Prisoner Reentry

7. The Clients of Adult Correctional Agencies
8. The Juvenile Correctional System
9. Special Offenders

10. The Management of Prisons
11. Prison Life for Inmates
12. The World of Prison Staff
13. Custody within a Prison
14. Treatment and Programs within a Prison

15. Legal Issues and the Death Penalty
16. Current and Future Issues in Corrections

Instalant Download Corrections: An Introduction, 6th Edition by Richard P. Seiter, Saint Louis University ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th

Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th Bank Test , Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th Textbook , Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th PDF , Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th eBook , Karla M Johnstone, Audrey A. Gramling , Larry E. Rittenberg

Category : Accounting

Product Description:

As today’s auditing environment continues to change in dramatic ways, those entering the profession must be prepared to handle a high standard of responsibility. You can prepare with the help of AUDITING: RISK-BASED APPROACH TO CONDUCTING QUALITY AUDITS, 10E. AUDITING reflects the latest clarified auditing standards and the newest PCAOB standards, while discussing the COSO’s Internal Control-Integrated Framework and the AICPA’s recently issued new audit sampling guidance. You’ll find the most recent professional developments with a new integrated emphasis on the latest fraud risks and ethical challenges throughout the book. New end-of-chapter problems as well as new cases provide valuable hands-on experience.

Auditing A Risk Based-Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th by Johnstone Gramling Rittenberg test bank


Instalant Download Auditing A Risk Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th by Karla M Johnstone, Audrey A. Gramling , Larry E. Rittenberg ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition

Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition Bank Test , Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition Textbook , Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition PDF , Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition eBook , Laurie L. Hazard, Bryant University Jean-Paul Nadeau, Bristol Community College

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Brief Contents




PART I: Adjusting to the Environment of Higher Education and Understanding Yourself as a College Student

Chapter One Becoming Part of a Scholarly Community

Chapter Two Developing Academic Self-Concept 

Chapter Three Reconceiving Diversity  


Part II: Reflecting On How Mindset Influences Your Study Behaviors and Reaching Your Academic Goals

Chapter Four Planning, Prioritizing, and Procrastination 

Chapter Five Developing Malleable Mindsets and Metacognitive Skills  


Part III: Implementing Strategies and Habits for Peak Academic Performance

Chapter Six Developing Communication Skills

Chapter Seven Reading and Taking Notes for Optimal Performance in Lectures and on Exams

Chapter Eight Taking Responsibility in College and Life







Full Contents




PART I: Adjusting to the Environment of Higher Education and Understanding Yourself as a College Student


Chapter One Becoming Part of a Scholarly Community

    The Professor and Student Contract

    Intellectual Curiosity

    Active versus Passive Learning


    Doing Research

    Plagiarism and Intellectual Property

    Claimining an Education

Chapter Two Developing Academic Self-Concept 

    Relating to Your Family and Culture: How Developing Academic Self-Concept Has been Developing Up to Now

    Relating to Your New Peers

    Relating in Cyberspace

    Relating to your New Environment

Chapter Three Reconceiving Diversity  

    Diversity in College

    The Difficulty of Defining Diversity

    Define Diversity

    The Downside of Difference

    Delving into Diversity


Part II: Reflecting On How Mindset Influences Your Study Behaviors and Reaching Your Academic Goals


Chapter Four Planning, Prioritizing, and Procrastination

    Time Management and Academic Goal Setting

    Time Management and College Success

    Self-Regulating Your Own Learning

        Consider the 8-8-8 Formula

    How to Manage Your Time

        Be Sure to Plan and Organize

        Plan for a suitable Place to Study

        Learn to Avoid Procrasitination

    Behavior Management, Motivation, and Procrastination    

        Procrastiantion and Motivation

        Procrastination has Consequences

        Gaining Control over Procrastination  

Chapter Five Developing Malleable Mindsets and Metacognitive Skills 

     Why Should I Change?

    Student Attituted Toward Learning

        What is your Locus of Control?

        Measure Your Locus of Control with the Trice Academic Locus of Control Scale

        The Relationship Amoung Locus of Control, Study Habits, and Grade Point Average

    Theories of Intelligence

        Dweck's Mindset Theory    

        Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

        Goleman's Theory of Emotional Intelligence

    Approaches to Learning

        The Process of Leaning Changes Your Brain

        Thinking Critically

        Identify Your Learning Style(s)

        Writing to Learn and Journal Writing Can Help you Better Understand How You Learn

        Portfolio Development Is Another Useful Metacognitive Activity

        Read Actively to Become a Better Reader

        Text Annotation Encourages Active Reading


Part III: Implementing Strategies and Habits for Peak Academic Performance


Chapter Six Developing Communication Skills

    Written Products versus the Writing Process

        Prewrite to generate Ideas

        Organize Your Ideas

        Draft Your Ideas

        Revise Each Draft

    Using Feedback to best Advantage

        Your Faculty Provide Feedback via Graded Papers

        Faculty Can Also Provide Feedback During Office Hours

        Your Classmates May Provide Feedback During Peer Review

        The Writing Center Is Another Great Place to Get Feedback

    Participating in Class Discussing

    Writing the Research Paper

        Formulate a Reseach Question

        Find Appropriate and Useful Sources

        Evaluate your Sources

        Selects Potential Material from your Sources

        Utilize the Evidence You Have ollected to Your Best Advantage

        Conduct Your Research Ethically

        The Function of Citation Formats

    Making In-Class Presentations  

Chapter Seven Reading and Taking Notes for Optimal Performance in Lectures and on Exams

    The Components of Test Preparation

        Be Aware of Course Objectives

        Take Comprehensive Notes

        Connect Important Ideas

        Gather Internal Feedback

        Approaches to Note Taking

        It Is Important to Have an Organized System of Taking Notes

        Use Shorthand When Taking Notes

        Coordinate Yoru Class/Lecture Notes with Your Reading Notes

        The Read Actively, Take Notes Before You Read

        Study with a Group

    Benefits of Employing These Approaches to Studying

    Approaches to Test Taking

        Here is Some Advice for Taking Multiple-Choice Exams

        Here is Some Advice for Responding to True-False QUestions

        In-Class Essay Exams Don't Have to Be So Daunting

    Self-Evaulation ofPreparedness for Test and Exams

Chapter Eight Taking Responsibility in College and Life

    Foundations for Learning Themes: Developing the Habits of Mind for Success in College and Life









Instalant Download Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education, 3rd Edition by Laurie L. Hazard, Bryant University Jean-Paul Nadeau, Bristol Community College ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition

Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition Bank Test , Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition Textbook , Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition PDF , Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition eBook , Carol R Ember Carol R. Ember, Human Relations Area Files Melvin Ember Melvin Ember, Human Relations Area Files Peter N. Peregrine Peter N. Peregrine, Lawrence University and the Sante Fe Institute

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. What Is Anthropology?
2. Research Methods in Anthropology

3. Genetics and Evolution
4. Human Variation and Adaptation
5. Primates
6. The First Hominins

7. The Origins of Culture and the Emergence of Homo
8. The Emergence of Homo sapiens
9. The Upper Paleolithic World
10. Origins of Food Production and Settled Life
11. Origins of Cities and States

12. Culture and Culture Change
13. Culture and the Individual
14. Communication and Language
15. Getting Food
16. Economic Systems
17. Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Racism
18. Sex, Gender, and Culture
19. Marriage and the Family
20. Marital Residence and Kinship
21. Associations and Interest Groups
22. Political Life: Social Order and Disorder
23. Religion and Magic
24. The Arts


25. Practicing and Applying Anthropology
26. Health and Illness
27. Global Problems

Instalant Download Revel for Anthropology -- Combo Access Card, 14th Edition by Carol R Ember Carol R. Ember, Human Relations Area Files Melvin Ember Melvin Ember, Human Relations Area Files Peter N. Peregrine Peter N. Peregrine, Lawrence University and the Sante Fe Institute ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version  Package, 8th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition Bank Test , Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition Textbook , Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition PDF , Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition eBook , Spencer J. Salend, State University of New York at New Paltz

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

PART I Understanding the Foundations and Fundamentals of Inclusion 1

Chapter 1 Understanding Inclusion 2

Chapter 2 Understanding the Special -Education Process 34

Chapter 3 Understanding the Educational Strengths and Challenges of Students with Disabilities 72

Chapter 4 Understanding the Educational Strengths and Challenges of Students from Diverse Backgrounds 116


PART II Creating an Inclusive Environment That Supports Learning for All Students 151

Chapter 5 Creating Collaborative Relationships and Fostering Communication 152

Chapter 6 Fostering Transitions, Self-Determination, Acceptance, and Friendships 188

Chapter 7 Creating a Classroom Environment That Promotes Positive Behavior 234


PART III Differentiating Instruction for All Students 279

Chapter 8 Differentiating Instruction for Diverse Learners 280

Chapter 9 Differentiating Large- and Small-Group Instruction 330

Chapter 10 Differentiating Reading, Writing, and Spelling Instruction 368

Chapter 11 Differentiating Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Instruction 410


PART IV Evaluating Student and Programmatic Progress 451

Chapter 12 Evaluating Student Progress and the Effectiveness of Your Inclusion Program 452

Glossary 509

References 521

Instalant Download Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective, Differentiated and Reflective Practices, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version Package, 8th Edition by Spencer J. Salend, State University of New York at New Paltz ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription)

GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription)


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) Bank Test , GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) Textbook , GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) PDF , GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) eBook , Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Alicia Vargas, Pasadena City College

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Introduction to Microsoft Office 2013 Features

Project 1A Note Form

Objective 1 Use File Explorer to Download, Extract, and Locate Files and Folders

Activity 1.01 Using File Explorer to Download, Extract, and Locate Files and Folders

Objective 2 Use Start Search to Locate and Start a Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop App

Activity 1.02 Using Start Search to Locate and Start a Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop App

Objective 3 Enter, Edit, and Check the Spelling of Text in an Office 2013 Program

Activity 1.03 Entering and Editing Text in an Office 2013 Program

Activity 1.04 Checking Spelling

Objective 4 Perform Commands from a Dialog Box

Activity 1.05 Performing Commands from a Dialog Box

Activity 1.06 Using Undo

Objective 5 Create a Folder and Name and Save a File

Activity 1.07 Creating a Folder and Naming and Saving a File

Objective 6 Insert a Footer, Add Document Properties, Print a File, and Close a Desktop App

Activity 1.08 Inserting a Footer, Inserting Document Info, and Adding Document Properties

Activity 1.09 Printing a File and Closing a Desktop App


Project 1B Memo

Objective 7 Open an Existing File and Save It with a New Name

Activity 1.10 Opening an Existing File and Saving It with a New Name

More Knowledge Read-only

Objective 8 Sign In to Office and Explore Options for a Microsoft Office Desktop App

Activity 1.11 Signing In to Office and Viewing Application Options

Objective 9 Perform Commands from the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar

Activity 1.12 Performing Commands from and Customizing the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar

More Knowledge Customizing the Ribbon

Activity 1.13 Minimizing and Using the Keyboard to Control the Ribbon

Objective 10 Apply Formatting in Office Programs

Activity 1.14 Changing Page Orientation and Zoom Level

More Knowledge Zooming to Page Width

Activity 1.15 Formatting Text by Using Fonts, Alignment, Font Colors, and Font Styles

Activity 1.16 Using Format Painter

Activity 1.17 Using Keyboard Shortcuts and Using the Clipboard to Copy, Cut, and Paste

Objective 11 Compress Files and Use the Microsoft Office 2013 Help System

Activity 1.18 Compressing Files

Activity 1.19 Using the Microsoft Office 2013 Help System in Excel

Objective 12 Install Apps for Office and Create a Microsoft Account

Activity 1.20 Installing Apps for Office

Activity 1.21 Creating a Microsoft Account

Summary, GO! Learn It Online

Guide to Chapter Assessments



Excel Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013

Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data

Project 1A Sales Report with Embedded Column Chart and Sparklines

Objective 1 Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook

Activity 1.01 Starting Excel, Navigating Excel, and Naming and Saving a Workbook

More Knowledge Creating a New Workbook by Using a Template

Objective 2 Enter Data in a Worksheet

Activity 1.02 Entering Text, Using AutoComplete, and Using the Name Box to Select a Cell

Activity 1.03 Using Auto Fill and Keyboard Shortcuts

Activity 1.04 Aligning Text and Adjusting the Size of Columns

Activity 1.05 Entering Numbers

Objective 3 Construct and Copy Formulas and Use the SUM Function

Activity 1.06 Constructing a Formula and Using the Sum Function

Activity 1.07 Copying a Formula by Using the Fill Handle

Objective 4 Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes

Activity 1.08 Using Merge & Center and Applying Cell Styles

Activity 1.09 Formatting Financial Numbers

Activity 1.10 Changing the Workbook Theme

More Knowledge Formatting a Cell’s Font, Style, Size, or Color with Individual Commands

Objective 5 Chart Data to Create a Column Chart and Insert Sparklines

Activity 1.11 Charting Data and Using Recommended Charts to Select and Insert a Column Chart

Activity 1.12 Using the Chart Tools to Apply Chart Styles

Activity 1.13 Creating and Formatting Sparklines

Objective 6 Print a Worksheet, Display Formulas, and Close Excel

Activity 1.14 Creating a Footer and Centering a Worksheet

Activity 1.15 Adding Document Properties and Printing a Workbook

Activity 1.16 Printing a Section of the Worksheet

Activity 1.17 Changing Page Orientation and Displaying, Printing, and Hiding Formulas

More Knowledge Inserting a Watermark


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Create a Sales Report with an Embedded Column Chart Using the Excel Web App

Activity Creating a Sales Report with Embedded Column Chart Using the Excel Web App


Project 1B Inventory Valuation

Objective 7 Check Spelling in a Worksheet

Activity 1.18 Checking Spelling in a Worksheet

Objective 8 Enter Data by Range

Activity 1.19 Entering Data by Range

Objective 9 Construct Formulas for Mathematical Operations

Activity 1.20 Using Arithmetic Operator

Activity 1.21 Using the Quick Analysis Tool

Activity 1.22 Copying Formulas Containing Absolute Cell References

More Knowledge Calculate a Percentage if You Know the Total and the Amount

Objective 10 Edit Values in a Worksheet

Activity 1.23 Editing Values in a Worksheet

Activity 1.24 Formatting Cells with the Percent Style

Objective 11 Format a Worksheet

Activity 1.25 Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns

More Knowledge Hiding Rows and Columns

Activity 1.26 Adjusting Column Widths and Wrapping Text

Activity 1.27 Changing Theme Colors


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Calculate the Value of an Inventory in the Excel Web App

Activity Creating an Inventory Valuation Report in the Excel Web App

GO! with Microsoft Office 365

Activity Using the Exchange Online Outlook Meeting Tool to Collaborate

Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success

Guide to Chapter Assessments


Skills Review

Mastering Excel


GO! Think


Chapter 2 Using Functions, Creating Tables, and Managing Large Workbooks

Project 2A Inventory Status Report

Objective 1 Use Flash Fill and the Sum, Average, Median, Min, and Max Functions

Activity 2.01 Using Flash Fill

Activity 2.02 Moving a Column

Activity 2.03 Using the SUM and AVERAGE Functions

Activity 2.04 Using the MEDIAN Function

Activity 2.05 Using the MIN and MAX Functions

Objective 2 Move Data, Resolve Error Messages, and Rotate Text

Activity 2.06 Moving Data and Resolving a # # # # # Error Message

Activity 2.07 Rotating Text

Objective 3 Use COUNTIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting

Activity 2.08 Using the COUNT and Countif Functions

Activity 2.09 Using the IF Function

Activity 2.10 Applying Conditional Formatting by Using Highlight Cells Rules and Data Bars

Activity 2.11 Using Find and Replace

Objective 4 Use Date & Time Functions and Freeze Panes

Activity 2.12 Using the Now Function to Display a System Date

More Knowledge NOW Function Recalculates Each Time a Workbook Opens

Activity 2.13 Freezing and Unfreezing Panes

More Knowledge Freeze Columns or Freeze Both Rows and Columns

Objective 5 Create, Sort, and Filter an Excel Table

Activity 2.14 Creating an Excel Table and Applying a Table Style

Activity 2.15 Sorting an Excel Table

Activity 2.16 Filtering an Excel Table and Displaying a Total Row

More Knowledge Band Rows and Columns in a Table

Activity 2.17 Clearing Filters and Converting a Table to a Range of Data

Objective 6 View, Format, and Print a Large Worksheet

Activity 2.18 Modifying and Shrinking the Worksheet View

Activity 2.19 Splitting a Worksheet Window into Panes

Activity 2.20 Printing Titles and Scaling to Fit

More Knowledge Scaling for Data That Is Slightly Larger Than the Printed Page


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Sort, Filter, and Use Functions in a Table in Excel Web App

Activity Sort, Filter, and Use Functions in a Table


Project 2B Weekly Sales Summary

Objective 7 Navigate a Workbook and Rename Worksheets

Activity 2.21 Navigating Among Worksheets, Renaming Worksheets, and Changing the Tab Color of Worksheets

More Knowledge Copying a Worksheet

Objective 8 Enter Dates, Clear Contents, and Clear Formats

Activity 2.22 Entering and Formatting Dates

Activity 2.23 Clearing Cell Contents and Formats

More Knowledge Clearing an Entire Worksheet

Objective 9 Copy and Paste by Using the Paste Options Gallery

Activity 2.24 Copying and Pasting by Using the Paste Options Gallery

Objective 10 Edit and Format Multiple Worksheets at the Same Time

Activity 2.25 Grouping Worksheets for Editing

More Knowledge Hide Worksheet

Activity 2.26 Formatting and Constructing Formulas on Grouped Worksheets

Activity 2.27 Determining Multiple Totals at the Same Time

Activity 2.28 Formatting Grouped Worksheets

Objective 11 Create a Summary Sheet with Column Sparklines

Activity 2.29 Ungrouping Worksheets

Activity 2.30 Inserting a Worksheet

Activity 2.31 Constructing Formulas That Refer to Cells in Another Worksheet

Activity 2.32 Changing Values in a Detail Worksheet to Update a Summary Worksheet

Activity 2.33 Inserting Column Sparklines

Objective 12 Format and Print Multiple Worksheets in a Workbook

Activity 2.34 Moving a Worksheet, Repeating Footers, and Formatting Multiple Worksheets in a Workbook

Activity 2.35 Printing All or Individual Worksheets in a Workbook


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Summarize the Data on Multiple Worksheets in Excel Web App

Activity Creating an Inventory Valuation Report in the Excel Web App

GO! with Microsoft Office 365

Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success

Guide to Chapter Assessments


Skills Review

Mastering Excel


GO! Think


Chapter 3 Analyzing Data with Pie Charts, Line Charts, and What-If Analysis Tools

Project 3A Enterprise Fund Pie Chart

Objective 1 Chart Data with a Pie Chart

Activity 3.01 Calculating Values for a Pie Chart

Activity 3.02 Creating a Pie Chart in a Chart Sheet

Objective 2 Format a Pie Chart

Activity 3.03 Formatting a Chart Title by Applying a WordArt Style and Changing Font Size

Activity 3.04 Formatting Chart Elements by Removing a Legend and Adding and Formatting Data Labels

Activity 3.05 Formatting a Data Series with 3-D Effects

Activity 3.06 Formatting a Data Series with a Shadow Effect

Activity 3.07 Rotating a Pie Chart by Changing the Angle of the First Slice

Activity 3.08 Exploding and Coloring a Pie Slice

Activity 3.09 Formatting the Chart Area

Objective 3 Edit a Workbook and Update a Chart

Activity 3.10 Editing a Workbook and Updating a Chart

Objective 4 Use Goal Seek to Perform What-If Analysis

Activity 3.11 Using Goal Seek to Perform What-If Analysis

Activity 3.12 Preparing and Printing a Workbook with a Chart Sheet


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Create a Jpeg Photo of a Chart and Upload to a OneNote Web App Notebook

Activity Creating a Jpeg Photo of a Chart and Uploading It to a OneNote Web App Notebook


Project 3B Tourism Spending Projection with Line Chart

Objective 5 Design a Worksheet for What-If Analysis

Activity 3.13 Using Parentheses in a Formula to Calculate a Percentage Rate of Increase

More Knowledge Use of Parentheses in a Formula

Activity 3.14 Using Format Painter

More Knowledge Percentage Calculations

Activity 3.15 Calculating a Value After an Increase

More Knowledge Percent Increase or Decrease

Objective 6 Answer What-If Questions by Changing Values in a Worksheet

Activity 3.16 Answering What-If Questions and Using Paste Special

Objective 7 Chart Data with a Line Chart

Activity 3.17 Inserting Multiple Rows and Creating a Line Chart

Activity 3.18 Formatting Axes in a Line Chart

Activity 3.19 Formatting the Chart Area in a Line Chart

Activity 3.20 Formatting the Plot Area Gridlines and Axis Fonts in a Line Chart

More Knowledge Resizing a Chart


GO! with Office Web Apps

Objective Convert an Excel Worksheet to a Google Docs Spreadsheet with a Chart

Activity Converting an Excel Worksheet to a Google Docs Spreadsheet with a Chart

GO! with Microsoft Office 365

Activity Using a Team Site to Collaborate

Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success

Guide to Chapter Assessments


Skills Review

Mastering Excel


GO! Think


Instalant Download GO! with Microsoft Excel 2013 Brief (Subscription) by Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Alicia Vargas, Pasadena City College ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Child Development, 7th Edition

Child Development, 7th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Child Development, 7th Edition Bank Test , Child Development, 7th Edition Textbook , Child Development, 7th Edition PDF , Child Development, 7th Edition eBook , Robert S. Feldman, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. An Introduction to Child Development
2. Theoretical Perspectives and Research
3. The Start of Life: Genetics and Prenatal Development
4. Birth and the Newborn Infant
5. Physical Development in Infancy
6. Cognitive Development in Infancy
7. Social and Personality Development in Infancy
8. Physical Development in the Preschool Years
9. Cognitive Development in the Preschool Years
10. Social and Personality Development in the Preschool Years
11. Physical Development in Middle Childhood
12. Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
13. Social and Personality Development in Middle Childhood
14. Physical Development in Adolescence
15. Cognitive Development in Adolescence
16. Social and Personality Development in Adolescence

Instalant Download Child Development, 7th Edition by Robert S. Feldman, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition

Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition Bank Test , Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition Textbook , Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition PDF , Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition eBook , Richard T. Schaefer, DePaul University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. Exploring Race and Ethnicity                                                               

2. Prejudice                                                                    

3. Discrimination                                                                         

4. Immigration                                                              

5. Ethnicity and Religion                                                                           

6. The Nation as a Kaleidoscope

Instalant Download Race and Ethnicity in the United States (Subscription), 8th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer, DePaul University ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition

International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition Bank Test , International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition Textbook , International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition PDF , International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition eBook , Paul R. Krugman, Princeton University Maurice Obstfeld, University of California, Berkeley Marc Melitz, Harvard University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. World Trade: An Overview
3. Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model
4. Specific Factors and Income Distribution
5. Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model
6. The Standard Trade Model
7. External Economies of Scale and the International Location of Production
8. Firms in the Global Economy: Export Decisions, Outsourcing, and Multinational Enterprises
9. The Instruments of Trade Policy
10. The Political Economy of Trade Policy
11. Trade Policy in Developing Countries
12. Controversies in Trade Policy
13. National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments
14. Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset Approach
15. Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates
16. Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run
17. Output and the Exchange Rate in the Short Run
18. Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention
19. International Monetary Systems: An Historical Overview
20. Financial Globalization: Opportunity and Crisis
21. Optimum Currency Areas and the Euro
22. Developing Countries: Growth, Crisis, and Reform

Instalant Download International Economics: Theory and Policy (Subscription), 10th Edition by Paul R. Krugman, Princeton University Maurice Obstfeld, University of California, Berkeley Marc Melitz, Harvard University ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others

Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others Bank Test , Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others Textbook , Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others PDF , Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others eBook , . . Pearson Education

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others

Instalant Download Success Tips: Service Learning What You Learn Helps Others by . . Pearson Education ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.

Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition

Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition


Test Banks & Solution Manual

  1. Test Banks for Textbooks. Save money on TEST BANKS
  2. Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.
  3. Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done.
  4. Our test banks can help! All test banks are Downloads-take them with you to study!
  5. YOU GET ALL OF THE CHAPTERS. Each Test Bank follows your textbook.
  6. Ace Your Exams with Us! We are Students Helping Students Pass.
  7. Customer Service 24/7

Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition Bank Test , Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition Textbook , Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition PDF , Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition eBook , J. Michael Hogan Patricia R. Hayes Andrews, Indiana University James R. Andrews, Indiana University Glen Williams

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Part I: Public Speaking in a Democratic Society                                

1. Democratic Citizenship and the Ethics of Public Speaking                                          

2.  Listening and Speaking in a Democratic Society 000

3.  Speaking with Confidence 000                                                                                                                      

4.  Diverse Audiences in a Democratic Society 000


Part II Developing Your Speech                                                                                                                        

5.  Developing Significant Topics

6.  Responsible and Productive Research                                                                                                                                       

7.  Supporting Your Ideas                                                                                                                                                     

8.  Organizing Your Speech                                                                                                                                                                

9.  Outlining Your Speech                                                                          


Part III: Presenting Your Speech

10. Using Language Effectively                                                

11. Delivering Your Speech Effectively

12. Supporting Your Ideas Visually


Part IV: Types of Public Speaking                                                                                                                                   

13.  Speaking to Inform

14.  Persuasive Speaking in a Democratic Society

15.  Arguing Persuasively

16.  Speaking on Special Occasions

17.  Speaking and Deliberating in Groups

Instalant Download Revel for Public Speaking and Civic Engagement -- Combo Access Card, 4th Edition by J. Michael Hogan Patricia R. Hayes Andrews, Indiana University James R. Andrews, Indiana University Glen Williams ZIP OR PDF

What is Test Bank?

The test bank is a guide for testing and exams. It contains a lot of questions with their correct answers related to an academic textbook. Test banks usually contain true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions. Authors provide those guides to help instructors and teachers create their exams and tests easily and fast. We recommend all students to download the sample attached to each test bank page and review them deeply..

What is Solutions Manual?

The solutions manual is a guide where you can find all the correct answers (odd and even) to your textbooks’ questions, cases, and problems.

Can I get a sample before buying a Test Bank or Solutions Manual?

Samples are attached to each test bank and solutions manual page at our website. We always recommend students and instructors to download the samples before placing orders. At MANUALS1 we offer a complete sample chapter for each product.

Can I download my files immediately after completing the order?

Yes. Our system will grant you an access to download your files immediately after completing the order.

How will I download my product?

You will receive an email from testbanky that contains the download link.

I am not able to download my test bank or solution manual

If you could not download your product for any reason, contact us and we will solve the issue immediately.