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Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology


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Abnormal Psychology Bank Test , Abnormal Psychology Textbook , Abnormal Psychology PDF , Abnormal Psychology eBook , Deborah C. Beidel, University of Central Florida Cynthia M. Bulik, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Melinda A. Stanley, Baylor College of Medicine

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents





Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology: Historical and Modern Perspectives

Chapter 2: Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology

Chapter 3: Assessment and Diagnosis

Chapter 4: Anxiety Disorders

Chapter 5: Somatoform, Dissociative, and Factitious Disorders

Chapter 6: Mood Disorders

Chapter 7: Eating Disorders

Chapter 8: Gender and Sexual Disorders

Chapter 9: Substance Use Disorders

Chapter 10: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Chapter 11: Personality Disorders

Chapter 12: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Chapter 13: Aging and Cognitive Disorders

Chapter 14: Health Psychology

Chapter 15: Abnormal Psychology: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues







Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology: Historical and Modern Perspectives

Normal vs. Abnormal Behavior

      Is Being Different Abnormal?

     Group Expectations

     Development and Maturity

      Is Behaving Deviantly (Differently) Abnormal?

Real People, Real Disorders: Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) -Eccentric or Insane?

      Is Behaving Dangerously Abnormal?

      Is Behaving Dysfunctionally Abnormal?

      A Definition of Abnormal Behavior

     Abnormal Behavior in the General Population

Research Hot Topics - Categorical vs. Dimensional Approaches to Abnormal Behavior

     Factors Influencing the Expression of Abnormal Behavior

Historical Views of Abnormal Behavior and Its Treatment

        Ancient Theories

        Classical Roman and Greek Period

        Middle Ages Through the Renaissance

Examining the Evidence: Modern witchcraft, demons, and alien abductions

Examining the Evidence: Current Day Mass Hysteria

        The Nineteenth Century and the Beginning of Modern Thought      

        The Twentieth Century



Current Views of Abnormal Behavior and Treatment

        The Biological Model

        Psychological  Models


     Modern Psychoanalytic Theories

     Behavioral Model

     Cognitive Model

     Humanistic Model

        Sociocultural Models

        Biopsychosocial Model

The Whole Story: How one disorder might have been understood and treated throughout the ages

Critical Issues to Remember



Chapter 2:  Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology

Research in Abnormal Psychology at the Cellular Level


Real People, Real Disorders:  HM Man

     Neurohormones and neurotransmitters



     Indirect genetics

           Family Studies

           Adoption Studies

           Twin Studies

     Molecular genetics         

Research in Abnormal Psychology at the Individual Level

     The Case Study

     Single-Case Designs

           Design strategies


Research in Abnormal Psychology at the Group Level

     Correlational Methods

           Correlation is not causation

     Controlled Group Designs

     Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Groups

     Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Cohorts

           What is a cohort?

           Cross-sectional designs

           Longitudinal designs

Research in Abnormal Psychology at the Population Level


Research Hot Topic: National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R)

     Epidemiological Research Designs

           Observational epidemiology

           Experimental epidemiology

Examining the Evidence: Community intervention trial for smoking cessation


The Whole Story: Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 3:  Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

Clinical Assessment

     Goals of Assessment


           Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

           Outcome Evaluation

Properties of Assessment Instruments




Developmental and Cultural Considerations

Assessment Instruments

     Clinical Interviews

           Unstructured interviews

           Structured interviews

     Psychological Tests

           Personality tests

           General tests of psychological functioning

           Neuropsychological testing

           Intelligence tests

Real People, Real Disorders: Cases of Misdiagnosis

           Projective tests

Examining the Evidence: The validity of inkblot tests

           Specific tests for psychopathology–measures of therapeutic change

           Behavioral assessment

           Psychophysiological Assessment

Research Hot Topic: Oxytocin and “Mind Reading”

Diagnosis and Classification

History of Classification of Abnormal Behaviors (evolution of DSM)

Alternative Classification Systems (ICD)


Developmental and Cultural Considerations

When is a Diagnostic System Harmful?

Research Hot Topics: Too many disorders?

     Dimensional systems as an Alternative to DSM Classification

The Whole Story: Participating in a Clinical Research Trial

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 4: Anxiety Disorders

What is anxiety?

     Fight or flight response

     The elements of anxiety

      How “normal” anxiety differs from “abnormal” anxiety

What are the Anxiety Disorders?

     Panic attacks

     Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

     Generalized Anxiety Disorder

      Social Phobia

Real People, Real Disorders — A Story of Social Phobia: Ricky Williams

     Specific Phobia

     Obsessive-Compulsive Disorderox —

Examining the Evidence: Is trichotillomania a variant of OCD?

     Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Research Hot Topics — 9/11: Trauma, Grief, PTSD and Resilience

Etiology of Anxiety Disorders

      Biological Perspective

     Family and Genetic Studies


           Temperament and Behavioral Inhibition

     Psychological Perspective

           Psychodynamic theories of fear acquisition

           Behavioral theories of fear acquisition

           Cognitive theories of fear acquisition

The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

     Overview of Treatment

     Biological Treatments



Other somatic therapies

     Psychological Treatments

Psychodynamic treatment

Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral treatment

Research Hot Topics — Virtual Reality Therapy

The Whole Story: The Psychopathology and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 5: Somatoform, Dissociative, and Factitious Disorders

Somatic symptoms in the general population

Somatoform Disorders

     Clinical Description

           Somatization disorder

           Undifferentiated somatoform disorder

           Conversion disorder

           Pain disorder


           Body dysmorphic disorder

     Functional Impairment


     Sex, Race and Ethnicity

     Developmental Factors


           Biological Factors

           Psychosocial Factors

           An Integrative Model


Dissociative Disorders

     Clinical description

           Dissociative Amnesia

           Dissociative Fugue

Real People, Real Disorders — The Piano Man — Dissociative Fugue, Factitious Disorder or Malingering?

           Dissociative Identity Disorder

           Depersonalization Disorder

     Functional Impairment


     Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

     Developmental Factors


           Biological factors

           Psychosocial factors

Examining the Evidence: Can Therapy Cause Dissociative Identity Disorder?   


Factitious Disorder

     Clinical Description

     Functional Impairment


     Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

     Developmental Factors

     Etiology and Treatment

The Whole Story

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 6.  Mood Disorders

What are the Mood Disorders?

     Major Depressive Disorder


     Bipolar Disorder

Examining the Evidence: Is  There a Link Between Art and Madness?


     Sex, Race and Ethnicity Factors

           Depression in women

           Post-Partum Depression

           Depression in racial and ethnic minorities and across cultures

     Epidemiology of bipolar disorder

     Developmental Factors in Depression

     Developmental Factors in Bipolar Disorder



     Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempts, and Completed Suicide

     Who commits suicide?

     Risk factors for suicide

           Family History

Real People, Real Disorders: The Heritability of Suicide: the Hemingway and van Gogh Families

           Psychiatric Illness

           Biological Factors

           Understanding suicide

          The psychological autopsy

           Prevention of suicide

          Crisis intervention

          Focus on high risk groups

          Societal level prevention

          Preventing suicide contagion

           Treatment after suicide attempts

The Etiology of Mood Disorders

     Biological Perspective

           Genetics and Family Studies

           Neuroimaging Studies

           Environmental Factors and Life Events

Research Hot Topic: Gene x Environment Interaction

Psychological Perspective

      Psychodynamic theory

      Attachment theory

      Behavioral theories

      Learned helplessness

      Cognitive theory

The Treatment of Mood Disorders

      Major Depression

           Psychological Treatments

          Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

          Interpersonal Psychotherapy

          Behavioral Activation

           Biological Treatments         

          First generation antidepressants

          Second generation antidepressants

          Course of treatment

          Electroconvulsive Therapy

          Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder

          Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

          Deep Brain Stimulation

     Bipolar Disorder

           Psychological Treatment

          Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

          Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy

           Biological Treatment

     Selecting a Treatment

The Whole Story

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 7.  Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa

Clinical description


Course of anorexia nervosa

Personality and anorexia nervosa


Bulimia Nervosa

Clinical description


Course of anorexia nervosa

Personality and anorexia nervosa


Real People, Real Disorders: Elton John, Princess Diana and Bulimia

Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified

Binge Eating Disorder

Sex, Racial and Ethnicity Factors

Eating disorders in females and males

Eating Disorders on the Race Course

Race, ethnicity and eating disorders

Developmental factors in eating disorders

The Etiology of Eating Disorders

Biological Perspective

      Animal models

      Neuroendocrine and neurohormonal factors

      Brain structure and functioning studies (challenge tests, MRI, etc.)

      Family and genetic studies

Examining the Evidence: Genes vs. Environment in Anorexia Nervosa

      Psychological Perspective

     Psychodynamic interpretation

     Cognitive-behavioral theories

     Sociocultural theories

Bulimia Nervosa — Thoughts in Response to a Package of Cookies

The Treatment of Eating Disorders

      Inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa

      Biological Treatments for eating disorders

      Nutritional counseling

      Cognitive-Behavioral treatment

      Interpersonal Psychotherapy

      Family-based interventions

The Maudsley approach: the family meal

Obesity is Not an Eating Disorder

The Whole Story: Detection and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa in a Student Athlete

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 8: Gender and Sexual Disorders

Normal Sexuality

      Early research on sexuality

      Human sexual response

      Impact of biological sex on sexual response

      Normal sexual practices

Gender Identity Disorder

Clinical Description

Real People, Real Disorders — Renee Richards’ Second Serve

      Functional Impairment


      Sex, Race and Ethnicity

      Developmental Factors


     Biological perspectives

     Psychosocial perspectives


      Sex reassignment surgery

      Psychosocial treatment

Sexual Dysfunction Disorders

Clinical Description

     Sexual Desire Disorders

     Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

     Sexual Aversion Disorder

     Sexual Arousal Disorders

           Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

           Male Erectile Disorder

     Orgasmic Disorders

           Female Orgasmic Disorder

           Male Orgasmic Disorder

           Premature Ejaculation

     Sexual Pain Disorder



      Functional Impairment


      Developmental Factors


     Biological perspectives

Research Hot Topics — The Genetics of Female Orgasm

     Psychosocial perspectives


     Biological treatment

Examining the Evidence: Viagra for Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

     Psychosocial treatment


      Clinical Description





     Sexual Masochism

     Sexual Sadism

     Transvestic Fetishism


     Other Paraphilias

      Functional Impairment


      Sex, Race and Ethnicity

      Developmental Factors


     Biological perspectives

     Psychosocial perspectives


     Measurement of sexual arousal

     Biological Treatments

     Psychosocial Treatment

The Whole Story: The Psychopathology and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 9.  Substance Use Disorders

How Severe is the Problem: Use, Abuse, and Dependence

Commonly Used “Licit Substances


     Functional Impairment



     Functional Impairment



     Functional Impairment


     Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

      Illicit substances


Research Hot Topic: Medical Uses of Marijuana

     Functional Impairment


     Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

      CNS stimulants

     Functional Impairment



     Functional Impairment


      Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

     Functional Impairment



     Functional Impairment

Real People, Real Disorders: Kurt Cobain-A Tragic End to a Life of Substance (Abuse)


      LSD and Natural Hallucinogens

     Functional Impairment



     Functional Impairment


Etiology of Substance Related Disorders

      Biological Perspective

     Family and genetic studies


      Psychological Perspective

           Behavioral theories

           Cognitive theories

           Sociocultural theories

Treatment of Substance Abuse and Dependence

     Behavioral approaches

     Cognitive behavioral approaches

     Motivational Enhancement Therapy

     Other Approaches with a Behavioral Component

Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

     Biological approaches

           Agonists substitution

           Nicotine replacement therapy

           Antagonist substitution

           Aversive treatment


Examining the Evidence: Controlled Drinking?

The Whole Story: Gloria

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 10: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic Disorders

      What is psychosis?

      What is schizophrenia?

      What schizophrenia is not

     Multiple personality

     Split personality

     A condition involving violence toward other



Real People, Real Disorders: John Nash — A Beautiful Mind

     Functional Impairment


     Sex, race and ethnicity

     Developmental factors

      Other Psychotic Disorders

Post-Partum Depression: A Happy Event Leads to Unbelievable Tragedy

Etiology of Schizophrenia

      Biological factors


     Genetics and family studies

Examining the Evidence: Genetics and the Environment in the Development of Schizophrenia


     Viral theories and other prenatal stressors

     A neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia

     Family Influence

Treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders

      Pharmacological treatment

     Typical antipsychotics

     Atypical antipsychotics

Research Hot Topics: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

      Psychosocial treatment


     Cognitive-behavioral treatment

     Social skills training

     Supported employment

The Whole Story: Diagnosis and Treatment of Schizophrenia

Critical issues to remember


Chapter 11. Personality Disorders

Personality trait vs personality disorder

Personality Disorder Clusters

      Cluster A: Odd Personality Disorders

     Paranoid personality disorder

      Schizoid personality disorder

      Schizotypal personality disorder

      Cluster B: Dramatic Personality Disorders 

     Antisocial Personality Disorder

Real People, Real Disorders: Jeffrey Dahmer — Antisocial personality disorder

     Narcissistic personality disorder

     Borderline personality disorder

     Histrionic personality disorder

Cluster C: Anxious and Fearful Personality Disorder

     Avoidant personality disorder

Examining the Evidence: Social Phobia vs. Avoidant Personality Disorder

     Dependent personality disorder

     Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Other Personality Disorders

Developmental Factors and Personality Disorder

Comorbidity and Functional Impairment

Sex, Race and Ethnicity

Etiology of Personality Disorder

Biological Perspective

Research Hot Topic:  Tracking Temperament from Childhood into Adulthood

           Family and genetic studies

          The role of traumatic events

          Brain structure and functioning studies

Psychological Perspective

           Psychodynamic interpretation

      Cognitive-behavioral theories

      Sociocultural theories

Treatment of Personality Disorders

The Whole Story: Assessment and Treatment of Personality Disorder

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 12: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Introduction to Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Mental Retardation

      Functional Impairment



Learning Disorders

      Functional Impairment



Pervasive Developmental Disorders

      Functional Impairment

Real People, Real Disorders: Temple Grandin, Ph.D.


Examining the Evidence — Do Vaccines Produce Autism?


ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders


     Functional Impairment



Research Hot Topics — Psychotropic Medication Use in Children

      Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder



Childhood Disorders of Eating, Sleeping and Elimination

      Feeding and Eating Disorders

      Sleep Disorders

      Elimination Disorders

The Whole Story: The Psychopathology and Treatment of a Child with Encopresis

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 13: Aging and Cognitive Disorders

Symptoms and Disorders of Aging

Geropsychology as a unique field

    Successful Aging

Psychological Symptoms and Disorders among Older People

Depression And Anxiety in Later Life

Unipolar and Biopolar Depression      


        Prevalence and Impact      

        Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues      

        Etiology of Depression in Later Life      

        Psychological theories      

Treatment of Depression in Older Patients

Research Hot Topic: Translating Research in Geropsychology to the Real World

Anxiety in Later Life


Examining the Evidence: Depressed or anxious in later life?

      Prevalence and Impact

      Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues

      Etiology of Anxiety in Later Life

      Treatment of Anxiety in Older Patients

Substance Abuse and Psychosis in Later Life

      Substance Abuse


     Prevalence and Impact

     Problematic or Risky Drinking

     Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues


     Treatment of Substance Abuse



     Prevalence and Impact

     Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues


     Treatment of Psychosis

Cognitive Disorders



     Prevalence and Impact

     Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues




     Description and types of dementia

Real People, Real Disorders: Ronald Reagan - Decreasing the Stigma of Alzheimer’s Disease

     Prevalence and Impact

     Sex, Race, and Cultural Issues

Examining the Evidence: Is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) a precursor of dementia or a separate syndrome?

     Etiology of Dementia

     Treatment of Dementia and Related Difficulties

The Whole Story: Treating Cognitive Impairments

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 14:  Health Psychology

Health Psychology: Defining the Field

      The Mind-Body Relationship

      Psychological Influences on Health

The Role of Stress in Physical and Mental Health

      Defining Stress

      Measuring Stress

      The Impact of Stress on Health

      Physiology of Stress

      Stress and the Immune System

      The Psychological Impact of Stress

      Moderators of Stress

      Sex, Race, and Developmental Issues

Research Hot Topic: Religion, Stress, and Health

Psychology and Behavior in Medical Illness

      Behavior and Health

      Healthy Eating

      Exercise and Physical Activity


Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Conditions

Real People, Real Disorders: Magic Johnson — Living with HIV



Real People, Real Disorders: Lance Armstrong, Cancer Survivor

      Chronic Pain

Examining the Evidence: Are Opioid Medications Useful or Too Risky in the Treatment of Pain?


Psychology Treatments for Health-related Conditions

      The Role of a Health Psychologist

      Health Psychology Interventions

     Increasing Healthy Behaviors

     Stress Management

     Adjusting to Chronic Illness

The Whole Story — Assessment and Treatment of Breast Cancer

Critical Issues to Remember


Chapter 15: Abnormal Psychology: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues

Law, Ethics and Issues of Treatment


     More humane treatment


      Civil Commitment

      Criminal Commitment

      Mental Illness vs. Insanity

Real People, Real Disorders: Kenneth Bianchi, Patty Hearst, and Dr. Martin Orne

     Incompetent to Stand Trial

     Right to Refuse Medication/Treatment

Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege in Abnormal Psychology


Duty to Warn

Predicting Dangerousness

Licensing and Malpractice Issues



Professional Issues

      Scientist-Practitioner Model

      Prescription Privileges

Research and Clinical Trials

      Rights of participants in research

      Nuremberg Code, Belmont Report, Helsinki Accord

      Considerations with children and adolescents

      The ethics of placebo control

Research Hot Topics — Uses of Placebo in Clinical Research

      Cultural perceptions regarding research

Examining the Evidence - Children and Non-Therapeutic Research

The Whole Story: Mental Illness and Insanity

Critical Issues to Remember


Instalant Download Abnormal Psychology by Deborah C. Beidel, University of Central Florida Cynthia M. Bulik, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Melinda A. Stanley, Baylor College of Medicine ZIP OR PDF

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