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Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices

Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices


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Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices Bank Test , Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices Textbook , Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices PDF , Administrative Medical Assisting: Foundations and Practices eBook , Christine Malone, Everett Community College

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: The History of Medicine and Health Care

The Earliest Medical Practices

            Early Egyptian Medicine

            Early Chinese Medicine

            Early Native American Medicine

            The Father of Medicine

            Early European Medicine

The Turning Points of Modern Medicine

            Medical Discoveries

            The Beginning of Hand Washing in Health Care

            Antisepsis Use in Health Care

            The Medical Value of X-rays

            Chiropractic Practices in Medicine

Medicine in the 20th Century

Important Organizations in Medical History

            The History of American Hospitals

            The History of the American Medical Association

            The Start of the American Red Cross

Important Women in Health Care

            The Work of Marie Curie

            The Role of Florence Nightingale

            The Contributions of the Blackwell Sisters

The World Health Organization

Medical Care Today

            Evidence-based Medicine


Chapter 2: Medical Assisting Today

The History of the Medical Assisting Profession

Education Requirements of the Medical Assistant         

            Becoming Accredited in Medical Assisting

            Achieving Certified Medical Assistant Status

            Recertifying in Medical Assisting

            Becoming a Registered Medical Assistant

            Gaining Multiple Medical Assisting Statuses

The Medical Assistant’s Scope of Practice

Procedure 2-1: Adapting to Change

The Requirements of Other Allied Health Associations

            The American Medical Technologist (AMT)

            The American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)

            The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

            The American Association of Medical Transcriptionists (AAMT)


Chapter 3: The Medical Assisting Career: Roles and Responsibilities

Choosing Medical Assisting as a Career

            Understanding Medical Assisting Responsibilities

            Identifying Positive Medical Assisting Qualities

            Understanding the Medical Assistant’s Role Outside of the Office

Managing Time Effectively in the Medical Office

Working in Health Care Today

            The Medical Assistant’s Career Opportunities

Members of the Health Care Team

            Working with Physicians

            The Pharmacist’s Role

            The Role of the Physician’s Assistant

            The Role of the Nurse Practitioner

            The Role of the Nurse

Medical Practice Specializations

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

            Applying CAM Approaches

            The Role of Dietary Supplements


Chapter 4: Medical Law and Ethics

The Sources of Law

            Administrative Law

            Comparing Public Law and Private Law

            Criminal Law

            Civil Law

            Tort Law

Understanding and Classifying Consent

Procedure 4-1: Preparing an Informed Consent for Treatment Form

Medical Malpractice    

            The Doctrine of Respondeat Superior

            Types of Malpractice Insurance Policies

            Proving Medical Malpractice

            Medical Malpractice Awards

            Preventing Medical Malpractice Claims

            Defending Against Medical Malpractice Claims

            Using Assumption of Risk as a Defense

            Contributory and Comparative Negligence

            Immunity from Negligence Suits

            Res Judicata and Res Ipsa Locuitur

            The Standard of Care

Tort Reform

Capping the Money Awarded to Injured Patients

Repeat Offender Providers

The Physician’s Public Duties and Consequences

            Reporting Vaccine Injuries

            Reporting Cases of Abuse

            Revoking Medical Licenses

The Physician-Patient Relationship

            The Role of the Patient

            The Role of the Physician

Contracts in Health Care

            Implied Contracts

            Expressed Contracts

            Terminating Contracts

The Good Samaritan Act

Maintaining Patient Confidentiality through Proper Records Handling

            Releasing Medical Records

Procedure 4-2: Obtaining Authorization for the Release of Medical Records

            Accommodating Subpoenas of Medical Records

Procedure 4-3: Respond to a Request for Copies of a Patient’s Medical Record

            Disclosing Minor’s Medical Records

            Guarding Super-Protected Medical Information

            Faxing Medical Records

            Disclosing Medical Records Improperly

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

            Title II of HIPAA

            HIPAA and Computer Privacy

            The HIPAA Privacy Offer

            HIPAA Records Violation

            The HIPAA Business Associate Agreement

            Penalties for HIPAA Violations

Advance Directives

Employment Law and Health Care

            Sexual Harassment

            The Americans with Disabilities Act and Healthcare Employment

The Conscience Clause

The Patient’s Bill of Rights

OSHA and Ambulatory Care

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Act (CLIA) and Ambulatory Care

The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and Ambulatory Care

The Controlled Substances Act

Medical Ethics

            Ethical Considerations

            Ethical Model

            Raising Ethical Issues in Health Care


The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act


Chapter 5: Interpersonal Communication Skills

Verbal Communication

Using Non-verbal Communication

            Writing as a Means of Communication

            Reading and Using Body Language

            Therapeutic Touch

Demonstrating Active Listening

Interviewing the Patient

Procedure 5-1: Using Effective Listening Skills in Patient Interviews

            Employing Interviewing Techniques

            Identifying Factors that Hinder Communication

            Communicating in Special Circumstances

Procedure 5-2: Communicating with a Hearing-impaired Patient

Procedure 5-3: Communicating with Sight-impaired Patients

Procedure 5-4: Communicating with Patients via Interpreters

            Maintaining Professional Patient Communication

Communicating with Coworkers

Communicating with Other Facilities

Procedure 5-5: Preparing a Patient’s Specialist Referral

Educating the Patient

            Working through Miscommunication

            Taking Time for Patient Education

            Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

            Establishing a Proper Learning Environment

            Using Teaching Resources

            Appreciating the Patient’s Skills and Abilities

            Factoring Culture into Patient Education

            Factoring Finances into Patient Education

            Teaching Patients about Preventive Medicine

            Preventing Injuries in the Elderly

Preventing Medication Errors

Providing Dieting or Weight Loss Information

            Delivering Information on Exercise

            Educating Patients about Stress Reduction

            Teaching Patients about Smoking Cessation and Substance Abuse

            Using the Internet for Education

Procedure 5-6: Using the Internet to Find Patient Education Materials


Chapter 6: Written Communication

Writing to Patients and Other Health Care Professionals

            The Role of Spell-Checking

            Reviewing Proper Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Use

            Numbers in Correspondence

            Rules for Medical-term Plurals

The Components of the Business Letter

            Styles of Business Letters

Using Fonts in Typed Communication

Procedure 6-1: Composing a Business Letter

Sending Letters to Patients

Procedure 6-2: Sending a Letter to a Patient about a Missed Appointment

Learning How to Proofread

Procedure 6-3: Proofreading Written Documents

Working with Accepted Abbreviations

Creating Memos for the Office

Mailing Written Communication

            Window Envelopes

Procedure 6-4: Folding Documents for Window Envelopes

            Running and Resetting Postage Meters

            Classifying Mail, Size Requirements, and Postage

            Buying Postage Online

            Using Multiline Optional Character Readers

            “Zip + 4 Codes”

            USPS-Approved Abbreviations in Addresses

            Restricted Materials

            Other Delivery Options

Using E-mail to Communicate

Managing Mail and Correspondence

Procedure 6-5: Opening and Sorting Mail


Procedure 6-6: Annotating Written Correspondence





Chapter 7: Telephone Procedures

Telephone System Features

            Making Calls with Hands-free Devices

            Dialing Numbers Automatically

            Redialing Last Numbers Called

            Making Conference Calls

            Conversing via Speaker Phone

            Call Forwarding           

            Recording Telephone Calls

            Direct Telephone Lines

            Automatic Routing Units

            Placing Callers on Hold

            Other Special Features

            Using an Answering Service

Patient Telephone Use

Answering the Telephone

Procedure 7-1: Answering the Telephone

            Screening Telephone Calls

            Directing Patient Calls to Physicians

            Prioritizing Telephone Calls

            Telephone Triage

            Taking Emergency Telephone Calls

            Being Professional on the Telephone

            Communicating with Hard-to-Understand Callers

            Handling Difficult Callers

            Receiving Calls from Emotional Patients

            Documenting Calls from Patients

            Taking Telephone Messages

Procedure 7-2: Taking a Telephone Message

Calling in Prescriptions and Refill Requests

Procedure 7-3: Calling a Pharmacy with Prescription Orders

Calling Patients

            Leaving Messages

            Calling Other Health Care Facilities

Using a Telephone Directory

            Using an Online Directory

            Using a Rolodex System

Long Distance or Toll Free Calls

Guarding Patient Confidentiality

Placing Personal Telephone Calls

Using Telecommunication Relay Services


Chapter 8: Front Desk Reception

Characteristics of the Front Desk Receptionist

Opening the Office

Procedure 8-1: Opening the Office

Preparing Patient Files

Greeting and Registering Patients

            Using Sign-in Sheets Effectively

            Administering Patient Paperwork

Notifying Patients of Delays

Collecting Payments at the Front Desk

Escorting Patients

Managing Difficult Patients in the Reception Area

Keeping Only Appropriate Patients in the Reception Area

Maintaining the Reception Area

            Providing Adequate Seating and Decoration

            Choosing Reading Material for the Reception Room

            Managing Children in the Reception Room

            Accommodating Patients with Disabilities

            Serving Patients with Service Animals

Caring for Patients as They Leave the Office

Closing the Office

Procedure 8-2: Closing the Office


Chapter 9: Patient Scheduling

Scheduling New Patient Appointments

            New and Established Patients

            Allowing Appointments Adequate Time

            Creating an Appointment Matrix

            Balancing Patient and Office Needs in Scheduling

            Paper and Electronic Scheduling

Procedure 9-1: Scheduling a New Patient

Methods of Appointment Scheduling

            Cluster Scheduling

            Double Booking

            Fixed Appointment Scheduling

            Scheduling with Open Hours

            Wave Scheduling

            Leaving Slack or Buffer Time

            Conducting Triage and Appointment Scheduling

Procedure 9-2: Scheduling a Patient Appointment

            Using Patient Reminder Systems

            Correcting the Appointment Schedule

            Documenting No-show Appointments

Procedure 9-3: Rescheduling a Missed Patient Appointment

            Following up on No-Show Appointments

Managing the Physician’s Professional Schedule

Scheduling Hospital Services and Admissions

Procedure 9-4: Scheduling a Hospital Procedure

Procedure 9-5: Scheduling an Inpatient Admission

Arranging for Language Interpreters

Arranging Transportation for Patients

Achieving Efficiency in Scheduling


Chapter 10: Medical Records Management

Information Contained in the Medical Record

Procedure 10-1: Preparing the Medical Chart

The Purpose of the Medical Record

Signing Off On Medical Records

Forms of Charting

            The Narrative Style

            Charting with SOAP

            Problem-Oriented Medical Record Charting

            Inserting Flow Charts in Medical Records

            Progress Notes

Using Abbreviations in Charting

Charting Patient Communication

Procedure 10-2: Charting Patient Telephone Calls

Filing Information via Filing Systems

            Alphabetic Filing

Procedure 10-3: Filing Documents in Patient Medical Records

            Shingling Items for Medical Records

            Numeric Filing

File Storage Systems

Active, Inactive, and Closed Patient Files

Converting Paper Records to Electronic Storage

Retaining Medical Records

Correcting Medical Records

Adding to Medical Records

Procedure 10-4: Correcting Errors in the Patient Medical Record

Charting Conflicting Orders

“Owning” the Medical Record

Documenting Prescription Refill Requests

Releasing Information When a Medical Practice Closes

Conducting Research with Medical Records


Chapter 11: Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records are Easily Accessible

How Does Paper Charting Differ from Electronic Charting?

Making the Conversion from Paper to Electronic Medical Records


Electronic Health Records and HIPAA Compliance

            Backing up Computers and Electronic Medical Records

Using Personal Digital Assistants with Electronic Medical Records

Other Benefits of Electronic Medical Records

            Electronic signatures

            Using Electronic Records to Avoid Medical Mistakes

            Saving Time with Electronic Medical Records

            Using Electronic Medical Records for Health Maintenance

            Using Electronic Medical Records with Diagnostic Equipment

            Using Electronic Medical Records for Marketing Purposes

Making Corrections in the Electronic Medical Record


Chapter 12: Computers in the Medical Office

Components of the Computer System

            Computer Hardware

            Surge Protection

            Backing Up Computer Systems

Computer Peripherals


            Digital Cameras

            Bar-code Readers

            Electronic Sign-in Sheets

Maintaining Computer Equipment

Computer Software

            Training Staff on Medical Software

            Types of Software Packages

Computer Security

            Computer Viruses

Internet Search Engines

Procedure 12-1: Using an Internet Search Engine

            Finding Appropriate Web Resources

Procedure 12-2: Verifying Preferred Provider Status on an Insurance Company Web Site

Buying Medications Online

Allowing Personal Computer Use in the Office

Personal Digital Assistants

Computer Ergonomics


Chapter 13: Equipment, Maintenance, and Supply Inventory

Working with Medical Office Equipment

            Training Employees to Use Medical Office Equipment

            Keeping a Maintenance Log for Medical Office Equipment

Procedure 13-1: Taking Inventory of Administrative Equipment

Procedure 13-2: Perform Routine Maintenance of a Computer Printer

            Replacing or Buying Medical Office Equipment

            Weighing Equipment Leasing against Buying

Using Fax Machines in the Medical Office

Procedure 13-3: Faxing a Document

Using Copy Machines in Health Care Work

Adding Health Care Data with Machines

Medical Transcription

            Finding Outside Transcription Services

Logging Medical Office Supplies

            Inventorying Supplies

Procedure 13-4: Preparing a Purchase Order

            Checking for the Next Day’s Supplies

            Storing Supplies Upon Arrival

Procedure 13-5: Receiving a Supply Shipment

Handling Drug Samples

Stocking Clerical Supplies

Tracking Supplies with Computer Software


Chapter 14: Office Policies and Procedures

Creating Patient Information Pamphlets

Procedure 14-1: Creating an Office Brochure

Creating a Personnel Manual

Creating Policies and Procedures for the Medical Office

            Writing a Mission Statement

            Preparing an Organizational Chart

            Mapping Out Clinical Procedures

            Outlining Administrative Procedures

Procedure 14-2: Creating a Procedure for the Procedure Manual

            Documenting Infection Control Procedures

            Creating Quality Improvement and Risk Management Procedures

            Writing Other Office Procedures




Chapter 15: Handling Medical Office Emergencies

The Medical Assistant’s Role in an Emergency

Preventing Accidents and Injuries

Preparing for Medical Emergencies

Managing Medical Emergencies

Procedure 15-1: Performing Adult Rescue Breathing and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Procedure 15-2: Responding to a Patient Who Has Fainted

Emergency Equipment and Supplies

            Administering Oxygen in Emergencies

Procedure 15-3: Administering Oxygen to a Patient

            Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Procedure 15-4: Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack

The Signs and Symptoms of Choking

Procedure 15-5: Removing an Airway Obstruction

            When Infants and Children are Choking Victims

Procedure 15-6: Removing an Airway Obstruction in an Infant

Controlling Bleeding

Procedure 15-7: Controlling Bleeding

Assisting Patients in Shock

Caring for Patients with Fractures

Assisting Patients with Burns




Chapter 16: Insurance Billing and Authorizations

The History of Health Insurance

Types of Health Insurance Plans

Employer-Sponsored Health Plans

COBRA Coverage

Individual Health Insurance Policies

Flex-Spending and Health Care Savings Accounts

Fee-for-Service Plans

Consumer-Directed Health Care Plans

Health Savings Accounts

Medical Savings Accounts

Flexible Spending Accounts

Managed Care Plans

Capitation Plans

Insurance Coverage Terminology

            Out-of-Pocked Expenses

            Waiting Periods and Exclusions

            Elective Procedures

Prescription Drug Coverage

Types of Provider Organizations

            Preferred Provider Organizations

            Health Maintenance Organizations

            Exclusive Provider Organizations

            National Commercial Carriers

Medicare Coverage

            Medicare Part A

            Medicare Part B

            Medicare Part C- Advantage Plan

            Medicare Part D

            Secondary Insurance with Medicare

            Medicare for the Employed

            Providers Participating in Medicare


            Covered Medicaid Services

            State Children’s Health Insurance (SCHIP)



The National Provider Identifier (NPI)

Workman’s Compensation Insurance

Accidental Injuries

Disability Insurance

Processing Claims

            The Patient Identification Number

            Keeping Patient Information Up-to-Date

            The Birthday Rule

            Verifying Eligibility

            Preparing Referrals, Authorizations, and Precertifications

Procedure 16-1: Obtaining a Managed Care Referral

Procedure 16-2: Obtaining Authorization from an Insurance Company for a Procedure

            Documenting Insurance Company Calls

Health Insurance Claim Forms

            The CMS-1500 Claim Form

Procedure 16-3: Completing an Insurance Claim Form

            Accommodating Filing Timelines

            Billing Insurance Companies Electronically

Working within Fee Schedules

Posting Payments

Reconciling Payments and Rejections

Procedure 16-4: Handling a Denied Insurance Claim

            Sending Supporting Documentation

The Office of the Insurance Commissioner

Tracing Claims

Projecting Health Insurance Costs in the Future


Chapter 17: ICD-9-CM Coding

The History of Diagnostic Coding

Coding with the ICD-9- CM Book

The Volumes of ICD-9- CM

            Volume I

            ICD-9-CM Appendices

            Volume II

            Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Coding

Determining the Correct Code

            Primary Diagnoses

            Coding Conventions

Procedure 17-1: Perform Diagnostic Coding

            Multiple Diagnostic Codes

            Coding Late Effect Diagnoses

            Suspected Conditions

            Signs and Symptoms Codes

            Coding for Drugs and Chemicals Causing Poisonings or Adverse Effects

            Coding for Fractures

            Coding Burns

            Documenting Diagnostic Codes


Chapter 18: Procedural Coding

The History of Procedural Coding

The CPT-4 Book

Categorizing Main Health Care Codes

            Procedure Codes

            Evaluation and Management Codes

            New and Established Patients

Selecting the Proper Level of E&M Service

Using Coding Modifiers Appropriately

Procedure 18-1: Coding for a Procedure

Place of Service Codes

Anesthesia Codes

Postoperative or Follow-up Days

Coding for Wound Repair

Coding for Same-day Multiple Procedures

Radiology Codes

Pathology and Laboratory Codes

Medicine Codes

The Health Care Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)

Ensuring Proper Reimbursement

Fraud in Medical Coding



Chapter 19: Billing, Collections, and Credit

Identifying Payment Basics

Manual Billing Systems

Procedure 19-1: Posting and Entry on a Day Sheet

Computerized Billing Systems

Fee Schedules

Participating Provider Agreements

Credit and Collections

Procedure 19-2: Explaining Professional Fees to a Patient

Verifying Patient Identification

Managing Accounts Receivables

Procedure 19-3: Calling a Patient Regarding an Overdue Account

Collection in Managed Care

            Forgiving Deductibles or Copayments

            Patients Who File Bankruptcy

            Professional Courtesy

            Patient Billing Statements

Procedure 19-4: Sending a Patient a Billing Statement

            Dismissing Patients Due to Nonpayment           

            Charging Interest on Medical Accounts

            Addressing Checks that Fail to Clear

Procedure 19-5: Posting a Non-sufficient Funds Check

            Contacting Nonpaying Patients

            Sending Patients Collection Letters

Procedure 19-6: Posting an Adjustment to a Patient Account

Procedure 19-7: Posting a Collection Agency Payment

            Uncollectible Accounts

            Collecting from Estates

Overpaying on Accounts

Procedure 19-8: Processing a Patient Refund

Procedure 19-9: Processing an Insurance Company Overpayment

Collections through Small Claims Court


Chapter 20: Payroll, Accounts Payable, and Banking Procedures

Processing Payroll

            The History of Payroll

            Present Day Employment Issues

            Payroll Processing

            Creating New Employee Records

            Updating Employee Records

            The W-4 Form

            Recording Employee’s Work Hours

            Calculating Payroll

            Computing Payroll Deductions

            The Circular E

            Other Deductions

Procedure 20-1: Calculating an Employee’s Payroll

            Using Software to Calculate Payroll

            Garnishing Wages

Accounts Payable

Procedure 20-2: Writing Checks to Pay Bills

            The Checkbook Register

            Ordering and Receiving Supplies

Procedure 20-3: Paying an Office Supply Invoice

            Preparing a Deposit Slip

Procedure 20-4: Completing a Deposit Slip

            Endorsement Stamps

Accessing Bank Accounts via the Internet

Petty Cash

Procedure 20-5: Accounting for Petty Cash

Reconciling Bank Statements

Procedure 20-6: Reconcile a Bank Statement


Chapter 21: Managing the Medical Office

Characteristics of the Medical Office Manager

Responsibilities of the Medical Office Manager

Leadership Styles

Conducting Effective Staff Meetings

            Creating Staff Meeting Agendas

Procedure 21-1: Directing a Staff Meeting

            Staff Meeting Minutes

Staffing the Medical Office

            Writing Job Descriptions

Procedure 21-2: Writing a Job Description

            Creating Job Advertisements

            Recruiting and Interviewing Candidates

Procedure 21-3: Conducting an Interview

            Calling for Employee References

Procedure 21-4: Calling Employee References

            Hiring New Staff

            Training New Staff

            Supervising Staff

Overcoming Scheduling Issues

Performance Evaluations

Procedure 21-5: Perform an Employee Evaluation

Disciplining and Terminating Staff

Procedure 21-6: Disciplining an Employee

Procedure 21-7: Terminating an Employee

Sexual Harassment in the Medical Office

Employment Resources

Providing Employee References

Improving Quality and Managing Risk in the Medical Office

            Creating a Quality Improvement Program

            Working to Ensure Patient Safety

            Reporting Office Incidents

Procedure 21-8: Filing a Medical Incident Report

Using Protective Equipment

Procedure 21-9: Using Personal Protective Equipment

Disposing of Hazardous Waste

Procedure 21-10: Developing an Exposure Control Plan

Ensuring Employee Safety

Procedure 21-11: Using Proper Lifting Techniques




Chapter 22: Competing in the Job Market

The Externship Experience

            Understanding the Extern Site’s Responsibilities

            Outlining the Student’s Responsibilities

            The Responsibilities of the Medical Assisting Program

Writing an Effective Resume

Procedure 22-: Writing an Effective Resume

Preparing a Cover Letter

Procedure 22-2 Composing a Cover Letter

Identifying Places to Look for Employment

Completing Employment Applications

The Successful Interview

            Preparing for the Interview

            Dressing for the Interview

            Presenting the Right Image

            Following Up After the Interview

Procedure 22-: Following Up After the Interview

Changing Jobs


Appendix A: CAAHEP Standards for Curriculum: Correlation of Text to CAAHEP Standards

Appendix B: Correlation of Text to AAMA Role Delineation Chart

Appendix C: Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) [AMT] Medical Assisting Task List

Appendix D: Tips on How to Become a Successful Student

Appendix E: Preparing for the CMA and RMA Certification Exams

Appendix F: Translation of English-Spanish Phrases

Appendix G: Common Medical Abbreviations

Appendix H: Answers to Chapter Case Studies/Critical Thinking Questions

Appendix I: Answers to In-Practice Scenarios



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