Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition

Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition


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Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition Bank Test , Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition Textbook , Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition PDF , Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 6th Edition eBook , Sherry Cormier, West Virginia University Harold L. Hackney, Syracuse University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Each chapter concludes with “Summary,” “Discussion Questions,” and “Recommended Readings.”



1. The Helping Profession.

What Is Helping?

Setting in Which Counselors Work.

Ingredients of Professional Counseling.

Training and Credentialing of Counselors.

2. The Helping Relationship.

Accurate Empathy.

Positive Regard.



A Climate of Safety.

3. Attending to Clients.

Communication of Attentiveness.

Facial Expressions.

Eye Contact.

Body Positions and Use of Space.

Verbal Behavior and Selective Attention.

4. Recognizing Communication Patterns.

Ritualized Patterns of Communication.

Interactive Communication Patterns.


5. Managing the Counseling Session.

The First Interview.

Objectives of the First Interview.

Cultural Variables and the First Interview.

Counselor Responses That Encourage Client Expression.

Counselor Responses That Solicit Information.

Intake-Interview Content.

Using Intake-Interview Information.

Opening Subsequent Interviews.

Terminating the Interview.

Terminating the Counseling Relationship.

6. Responding to Cognitive Content.

Recognizing Alternatives.

Responding to Alternatives.

Verbal Responses to Cognitive Content.

Differentiation and Selective Responding.

7. Responding to Affective Content.

The Importance of Responding to Affective Content.

Verbal and Nonverbal Cues Associated with Emotions.

Types of Affective Messages.

Verbal Responses to Affective Contents.

8. Differentiating between Cognitive and Affective Messages.

Setting the Stage for Affect.

Types of Differentiating Responses for Cognitive and Affective Content.

Effects of Responding to Affective Contents.

Effects of Responding to Cognitive Contents.

The Differentiation Process in Cross-Cultural Counseling.

9. Conceptualizing Problems and Setting Goals.

The Client's World.

The Role of the Counselor.

Process and Outcome Goals.

Culturally Appropriate Counseling Goals.

Three Elements of Good Outcome Goals.

Translating Vague Concerns into Specific Goals.

Client Resistance to Goal Setting.

Client Participation in Goal Setting.

10. Using Counseling Strategies and Interventions.

Working with Client Feelings.

Working with Client Beliefs and Attitudes.

Working with Client Behaviors.

Working with Client Interactional Patterns and Relationships.

Working with Client Social Systems.

11. Receiving and Using Supervision, by Janine M. Bernard.

The Parameters of Supervision.

The Focus of Supervision.

Styles of Supervision.

Methods of Supervision.

Avoiding Supervision.

Putting Your Development as a Counselor in Perspective.

Preparing for Supervision.

Using Supervision.

Appendix: Counseling Strategies Checklist.



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