Friday, February 22, 2019

American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition

American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition


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American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition Bank Test , American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition Textbook , American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition PDF , American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition eBook , Mark C. Carnes, Columbia University John A. Garraty, (Emeritus) Columbia University, Deceased

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Detailed Contents.


Maps and Graphs.


Feature Essays.

            Debating the Past.

            Re-Viewing the Past.




16. Reconstruction and the South.

Debating The Past.

Were Reconstruction Governments Corrupt and Inept?

Presidential Reconstruction.

Republican Radicals.

Congress Rejects Johnsonian Reconstruction.

The Fourteenth Amendment.

The Reconstruction Acts.

Congress Supreme.

The Fifteenth Amendment.

“Black Republican” Reconstruction: Scalawags and Carpetbaggers.

The Ravaged Land.

Sharecropping and the Crop-Lien System.

The White Backlash.

Grant as President.

The Disputed Election of 1876.

The Compromise of 1877.


17. In the Wake of War.

Debating The Past.

Was the Frontier Exceptionally Violent?

Congress Ascendant.

The Political Aftermath of War.

Blacks After Reconstruction.

Booker T. Washington: A “Reasonable” Champion for Blacks.

White Violence and Vengeance.

The West After the Civil War.

The Plains Indians.

Indian Wars.

The Destruction of Tribal Life.

The Lure of Gold and Silver in the West.

Big Business and the Land Bonanza.

Western Railroad Building.

The Cattle Kingdom.

Open-Range Ranching.

Barbed-Wire Warfare.


18. An Industrial Giant.

Debating the Past.

Were the Industrialists “Robber Barons” or Savvy Entrepreneurs?

Essentials of Industrial Growth.

Railroads: The First Big Business.

Iron, Oil, and Electricity.

Competition and Monopoly: The Railroads.

Competition and Monopoly: Steel.

Competition and Monopoly: Oil.

American Ambivalence to Big Business.

Reformers: George, Bellamy, Lloyd, and the Marxists.

The Government Reacts to Big Business: Railroad Regulation.

The Government Reacts to Big Business: The Sherman Antitrust Act.

The Labor Union Movement.

The American Federation of Labor.

Labor Militancy Rebuffed.

Whither America, Whither Democracy?


19. American Society in the Industrial Age.

Debating The Past.

Did Immigration Destroy the Immigrants’ Sense of Self?

Middle-Class Life.

Skilled and Unskilled Workers.

Working Women.


Working-Class Attitudes.

Working Your Way Up.

The “New” Immigration.

New Immigrants Face New Nativism.

The Expanding City and Its Problems.

Teeming Tenements.

The Cities Modernize.

Leisure Activities: More Fun and Games.

Christianity’s Conscience and the Social Gospel.

The Settlement Houses.

Civilization and Its Discontents.


20. Intellectual and Cultural Trends.

Debating The Past.

Did the Frontier Engender Individualism and Democracy?


Colleges and Universities.

Revolution in the Social Sciences.

Progressive Education.


Realism in Literature.

Mark Twain.

William Dean Howells.

Henry James.  

The Pragmatic Approach.


Re-Viewing the Past.



21. Politics: Local, State, and National.

Debating The Past.

Were City Governments Corrupt and Incompetent?

Voting Along Ethnic and Religious Lines.

City Bosses.

Party Politics: Sidestepping the Issue.

Lackluster Leaders.

Crops and Complaints.

The Populist Movement.

Showdown on Silver.

The Depression of 1893.

The Election of 1896.

The Meaning of the Election.


22. The Age of Reform.

Debating The Past.

Were the Progressives Progressive?

Roots of Progressivism.

The Progressive Mind.

“Radical” Progressives: The Wave of the Future.

Political Reform: Cities First.

Political Reform: The States.

State Social Legislation.

Political Reform: The Woman Suffrage Movement.

Political Reform: Income Taxes and Popular Election of Senators.

Theodore Roosevelt: Cowboy in the White House.

Roosevelt and Big Business.

Roosevelt and the Coal Strike.

TR’s Triumphs.

Roosevelt Tilts Left.

William Howard Taft: The Listless Progressive, or More Is Less.

Breakup of the Republican Party.

The Election of 1912.

Wilson: The New Freedom.

The Progressives and Minority Rights.

Black Militancy.


23. From Isolation to Empire.

Debating The Past.

Did the United States Acquire an Overseas Empire for Economic Reasons?

Origins of the Large Policy: Coveting Colonies.

Toward an Empire in the Pacific.

Toward an Empire in Latin America.

The Cuban Revolution.

The “Splendid Little” Spanish-American War.

Developing a Colonial Policy.

The Anti-Imperialists.

The Philippine Insurrection.

Cuba and the United States.

The United States in the Caribbean and Central America.

The Open Door Policy.

The Panama Canal.

Imperialism Without Colonies.


24. Woodrow Wilson and the Great War.

Debating The Past.

Was Wilson Too Stubborn to Compromise with Lodge on the League of Nations?

Wilson ’s “Moral” Diplomacy.

Europe Explodes in War.

Freedom of the Seas.

The Election of 1916.

The Road to War.

Mobilizing the Economy.

Workers in Wartime.

Paying for the War.

Propaganda and Civil Liberties.

Wartime Reforms.

Women and Blacks in Wartime.

Americans: To the Trenches and Over the Top.

Preparing for Peace.

The Paris Peace Conference and the Versailles Treaty.

The Senate Rejects the League of Nations.

The Red Scare.

The Election of 1920.


25. Postwar Society and Culture: Change and Adjustment.

Debating The Past.

Was the Decade of the 1920s One of Self-Absorption?

Closing the Gates to New Immigrants.

New Urban Social Patterns.

The Younger Generation.

The “New” Woman.

Popular Culture: Movies and Radio.

The Golden Age of Sports.

Urban-Rural Conflicts: Fundamentalism.

Urban-Rural Conflicts: Prohibition.

The Ku Klux Klan.

Sacco and Vanzetti.

Literary Trends.

The “New Negro.”

Economic Expansion.

The Age of the Consumer.

Henry Ford.

The Airplane.


Re-Viewing The Past.



26. The New Era: 1921–1933.

Debating The Past.

What Caused the Great Depression?

Harding and “Normalcy.”

“The Business of the United States Is Business.”

The Harding Scandals.

Coolidge Prosperity.

Peace Without a Sword.

The Peace Movement.

The Good Neighbor Policy.

The Totalitarian Challenge.

War Debts and Reparations.

The Election of 1928.

Economic Problems.

The Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Hoover and the Depression.

The Economy Hits Bottom.

The Depression and Its Victims.

The Election of 1932.



27. The New Deal: 1933–194.

Debating The Past.

Did the New Deal Succeed?

The Hundred Days.

The National Recovery Administration (NRA).

The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA).

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

The Unemployed.

Literature in the Depression.

Three Extremists: Long, Coughlin, and Townsend.

The Second New Deal.

The Election of 1936.

Roosevelt Tries to Undermine the Supreme Court.

The New Deal Winds Down.

Significance of the New Deal.

Women as New Dealers: The Network.

Blacks During the New Deal.

A New Deal for Indians.

The Role of Roosevelt.

The Triumph of Isolationism.

War Again in Europe.

A Third Term for FDR.

The Undeclared War.


28. War and Peace.

Debating The Past.

Should the United States Have Used Atomic Bombs Against Japan?

The Road to Pearl Harbor.

Mobilizing the Home Front.

The War Economy.

War and Social Change.

African-Americans in Time of War.

Internment of the Japanese.

Women’s Contribution to the War Effort.

Allied Strategy: Europe First.

Germany Overwhelmed.

The Naval War in the Pacific.

Island Hopping.

Building the Atom Bomb.

Wartime Diplomacy.

Allied Suspicion of Stalin.

Yalta and Potsdam.


Re-Viewing the Past.

Saving Private Ryan.


29. The American Century.

Debating The Past.

Did Truman Needlessly Exacerbate Relations with the Soviet Union?

The Postwar Economy.

The Containment Policy.

A Turning Point in Greece.

The Marshall Plan and the Lesson of History.

The Election of 1948.

Containing Communism Abroad.

Hot War in Korea.

The Communist Issue at Home.


Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Eisenhower-Dulles Foreign Policy.

McCarthy Self-Destructs.

Asian Policy After Korea.

Israel and the Middle East.

Eisenhower and Khrushchev.

Latin America Aroused.

The Politics of Civil Rights.

The Election of 1960.


30. From Camelot to Watergate.

Debating The Past.

Would JFK Have Sent Half a Million American Troops to Vietnam?

The Cuban Crises.

The Vietnam War.

“We Shall Overcome”: The Civil Rights Movement.

Tragedy in Dallas: JFK Assassinated.

Lyndon Baines Johnson. 

The Great Society.

Johnson Escalates the War. 

Opposition to the War.

The Election of 1968.

Nixon as President: “Vietnamizing” the War.

The Cambodian “Incursion.”

Détente with Communism.

Nixon in Triumph.

Domestic Policy Under Nixon.

The Watergate Break-in.

More Troubles for Nixon.

The Judgment on Watergate: “Expletive Deleted.” 


31. Society in Flux.

Debating The Past.

Did Mass Culture Make Life Shallow?

A Society on the Move.

The Advent of Television.

At Home and Work.

The Growing Middle Class.

Religion in Changing Times.

The Perils of Progress.

The Costs of Prosperity.

New Racial Turmoil.

Native-Born Ethnics.

Rethinking Public Education.

Students in Revolt.

The Counterculture.

The Sexual Revolution.

Women’s Liberation.


32. Running on Empty: The Nation Transformed.

Debating The Past.

Did Reagan End the Cold War?

The Oil Crisis.

Ford as President.

The Fall of South Vietnam.

Ford Versus Carter.

The Carter Presidency.

A National Malaise.

Stagflation: The Weird Economy.

Families Under Stress.

Cold War or Détente?

The Iran Crisis: Origins.

The Iran Crisis: Carter’s Dilemma.

The Election of 1980.

Reagan as President.

Four More Years.

“The Reagan Revolution.”

Change and Uncertainty.


The New Merger Movement.

“A Job for Life”: Layoffs Hit Home.

A “Bipolar” Economy, a Fractured Society.

The Iran-Contra Arms Deal.


33. Misdemeanors and High Crimes.

Debating The Past.

America in Decline? Do Historians Ever Get It Right?

The Election of 1988.

Crime and Punishment.

“Crack” and Urban Gangs.

George H. W. Bush as President.

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.

The War in the Persian Gulf.

The Deficit Worsens.

Enter Bill Clinton.

The Election of 1992.

A New Start: Clinton.

Emergence of the Republican Majority.

The Election of 1996.

A Racial Divide.

Violence and Popular Culture.

Clinton Impeached.

Clinton ’s Legacy.

The Economic Boom and the Internet.

The 2000 Election: George W. Bush Wins by One Vote.

Terrorism Intensifies.

September 11, 2001

America Fights Back: War in Afghanistan.

The Second Iraq War.

The Election of 2004.

The Imponderable Future.



The Declaration of Independence.

The Constitution of the United States of America.

Amendments to the Constitution.

Supplementary Reading.

Suggested Websites.

Present-day United States.

Present-day World.





Feature Essays.

Re-Viewing the Past.   



Saving Private Ryan.


Debating the Past.

Were Reconstruction governments corrupt?

Was the frontier exceptionally violent?

Were the industrialists “robber barons” or savvy entrepreneurs?

Did immigrants assimilate?

Did the frontier engender individualism and democracy?

Were city governments corrupt and incompetent?

Were the Progressives forward-looking?

Did the United States acquire an overseas empire for moral or economic reasons?

Did a stroke sway Wilson's judgement?

Was the decade of the 1920s one of self-absorption?

What caused the Great Depression?

Did the New Deal succeed?

Should the United States have used atomic bombs against Japan?

Did Truman needlessly exacerbate relations with the Soviet Union?

Would JFK have sent a half-million American troops to Vietnam?

Did mass culture make life shallow?

Did Reagan end the Cold War?

America in decline: Do historians ever get it right?

Instalant Download American Destiny: Narrative of a Nation, Volume II (since 1865) (Penguin Academics Series), 2nd Edition by Mark C. Carnes, Columbia University John A. Garraty, (Emeritus) Columbia University, Deceased ZIP OR PDF

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