Saturday, February 23, 2019

Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition

Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition


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Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition Bank Test , Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition Textbook , Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition PDF , Becoming a Teacher (with MyLab School), 7th Edition eBook , Forrest W. Parkay, Washington State University Beverly Hardcastle Stanford, Azusa Pacific University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents




1. Teaching: Your Chosen Profession.


Why Do You Want to Teach?

            Desire to Work with Children and Young People

A Passion for Teaching

            Influence of Teachers

Desire to Serve

            Practical Benefits of Teaching

What Challenges Will I Confront as a Teacher?

            Classroom Management and Increasing School Violence

Social Problems That Impact Students

Inadequate Family and Community Support

Long Working Hours and Job Stress

Gaining Professional Empowerment

What Is It Like to be a Teacher?

            Reality 1: Unpredictable Outcomes Reality 2: Assessing Students’ Learning

Reality 3: Limited Influence on Students’ Behavior

Reality 4: The Importance of Teachers’ Attitudes

Reality 5: The Unpredictability and Immediacy of Teaching

Reality 6: The Uniqueness of Teaching

What Will Society Expect of Me as a Teacher?

            The Public Trust

Teacher Competency and Effectiveness

Teacher Accountability

How Do Accomplished Teachers View Their Work?

            A Way of Being

A Creative Endeavor

A Live Performance

A Form of Empowerment

An Opportunity to Serve

Keepers of the Dream 


2. Learning to Teach.


 What Knowledge Do You Need to Teach?


Knowledge of Students

            Knowledge of Subject
            Knowledge of How to Use Educational Theory and Research
            Reflection and Problem Solving

What Are Five Views of the Teacher Knowledge Base?
            A Personal Development View

Research-Based Competencies

State Standards

A Job-Analysis Approach

Professional Views

How Do Reforms in Teacher Education Affect You? Increased Academic Preparation

Expanded Role for Schools

State Standards Boards

What Can You Learn from Observing in Classrooms? Technology and Classroom Observations

Focused Observations

Observation Instruments

How Can You Gain Practical Experience for Becoming a Teacher? 
            Classroom Experiences
            Student Teaching
            Gaining Experiences in Multicultural Settings Induction and Internship Programs

Substitute Teaching

How Can You Develop Your Teaching Portfolio?
            Portfolio Contents

Using a Portfolio

How Can You Benefit from Mentoring Relationships?

What Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development Will You Have?

            Self-Assessment for Professional Growth

Teacher Workshops

Teacher Centers

Professional Development Schools

Supervision and Mentoring of Student Teachers

Graduate Study

            Study on the Internet 




3. Ideas and Events That Have Shaped Education in the United States.


What Determines Your Educational Philosophy?

            Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

Beliefs About Students

Beliefs About Knowledge

Beliefs About What Is Worth Knowing

What Are the Branches of Philosophy? Metaphysics



What Are Five Modern Philosophical Orientations to Teaching? Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism


Social Reconstructionism

What Psychological Orientations Have Influenced Teaching Philosophies? Humanistic Philosophy


How Can You Develop Your Educational Philosophy?

What Were Teaching and Schools Like in the American Colonies (1620-1750)?

            Colonial Schools

The Origins of Mandated Education

Education for African Americans and Native Americans

What Were the Goals of Education during the Revolutionary Period (1750-1820)? Benjamin Franklin’s Academy

Sarah Pierce’s Female Academy

Thomas Jefferson’s Philosophy

Noah Webster’s Speller

How Was the Struggle Won for State-Supported Common Schools (1820-1865)? Horace Mann’s Contributions Reverend W. H. McGuffy’s Readers

Justin Morrill’s Land-Grant Schools

How Did Compulsory Education Change Schools and the Teaching Profession (1865-1920)?

            Higher Education for African Americans

The Kindergarten

The Professionalization of Teaching

What Were the Aims of Education during the Progressive Era (1920-1945)?

            John Dewey’s Laboratory School

Maria Montessori’s Method

Education of Immigrants and Minorities

How Did Education Change during the Modern Postwar Era (1945-Present)? The 1950s: Defense Education and School Desegregation

The 1960s: The War on Poverty and the Great Society

The 1970s: Accountability and Equal Opportunity

The 1980s: A Great Debate

The 1990s: Teacher Leadership

The New Century: Continuing the Quest for Excellence 


4. Social Realities and Today’s Schools.


What is the Role of Schools in Today’s Society?

Schools and Prosocial Values

Schools and Socialization of the Young

Schools and Social Change

Schools and Equal Educational Opportunity

How Can Schools Be Described?

Metaphors for Schools

Schools and Social Class

What Are Schools Like as Social Institutions?

The School as a Reflection of Society

The Culture of the School

The Culture of the Classroom

What are the Characteristics of Successful Schools?

Measures of Success

Research on School Effectiveness

What Social Problems Affect Schools and Place Students at Risk?

Identifying Students at Risk

Children and Poverty

Family Stress

Substance Abuse

Violence and Crime

Teen Pregnancy

Suicide Among Children and Youths

How Are Schools Addressing Societal Problems?

Peer Counseling and Peer Mediation

Full-Service Community Schools

School-Based Interprofessional Case Management

Compensatory Education

Alternative Schools and Curricula

How Can Community-Based Partnerships Address Social Problems That Hinder Students’ Learning?

The Community as a Resource for Schools

Schools as Resources for Communities


5. Struggles for Control of Schools in the United States.


Classroom Case: Educational Politics and Schools

Who Struggles for Control of Schools in the United States?

Teacher Accountability

How Does the Local Community Influence Schools?

Local School District

School Board

Superintendent of Schools

The Role of Parents

School Restructuring

School-Based Management

What Powers and Influence Do States Have In Governing Schools?

The Roles of State Government in Education

State Board of Education

State Department of Education

Chief State School Officer

How Do Regional Education Agencies Assist Schools?

How Does the Federal Government Influence Education?

U.S. Department of Education

How Are Schools Financed in the United States?

Local Funding

State Funding

Federal Funding

What Are Some Trends in Funding for Equity and Excellence?

Tax Reform and Redistricting

Vertical Equity

School Choice

Voucher Systems

Corporate-Education Partnerships

How Will the Privatization Movement Affect Equity and Excellence in Education?

            Charter Schools

            For-Profit Schools


6. Ethical and Legal Issues in U. S. Education.


Why Do You Need a Professional Code of Ethics?

Ethical Teaching Attitudes and Practices

Ethical Dilemmas in Classroom and School

What Are Your Legal Rights as a Teacher?


Teachers’ Rights to Nondiscrimination

Teaching Contracts

Due Process in Tenure and Dismissal

Academic Freedom

Do Student Teachers Have the Same Rights?

What Are Your Legal Responsibilities as a Teacher?

Avoiding Tort Liability

Reporting Child Abuse

Observing Copyright Laws

What Are the Legal Rights of Students and Parents?

Freedom of Expression

Due Process in Suspension and Expulsion

Reasonable Search and Seizure


Students’ Rights to Nondiscrimination

What Are Some Issues in the Legal Rights of School Districts?

Corporal Punishment

Sexual Harassment

Religious Expression

Home Schooling




7. Teaching Diverse Learners.


How Is Diversity Reflected in the Culture of the United States?

The Meaning of Culture

Ethnicity and Race

The Concept of Minorities

Stereotyping and Racism

What Does Equal Educational Opportunity Mean?

Education and African Americans

Education and Latino and Hispanic Americans

Education and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Education and Native Americans and Alaskan Natives

What Is Meant by Bilingual Education?

Research and Debate on Bilingual Programs

Advice for Monolingual Teachers

What Is Multicultural Education?

Dimensions of Multicultural Education

Multicultural Curricula

Multicultural Instructional Materials and Strategies

How Is Gender a Dimension of Multicultural Education?

Gender Differences

Gender and Education

Gender-Fair Classrooms and Curricula


8. Addressing Learners’ Individual Needs.


How Do Students’ Needs Change as They Develop?

Piaget’s Model of Cognitive Development

Erikson’s Model of Psychosocial Development

Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development

Maslow’s Model of a Hierarchy of Needs

Developmental Stresses and Tasks of Childhood

Developmental Stresses and Tasks of Adolescence

How Do Students Vary in Intelligence?

Intelligence Testing

Multiple Intelligences

Learning Styles

How Do Students Vary in Ability and Disability?

Exceptional Learners

Students with Disabilities

Students Who Are Gifted and Talented

What Are Special Education, Mainstreaming, and Inclusion?

Special Education Laws

Meeting the Mainstreaming Challenge

The Debate Over Inclusion

Equal Opportunity for Exceptional Learners

How Can You Teach All Learners in Your Inclusive Classroom?

Collaborative Consultation with Other Professionals

Working with Parents

Assistive Technology for Special Learners


9. Authentic Instruction and Curricula for Creating a Community of Learners.


What Determines the Culture of the Classroom?

Classroom Climate

Classroom Dynamics

How Can You Create a Positive Learning Environment?

The Caring Classroom

The Physical Environment of the Classroom

Classroom Organization

What Are the Keys to Successful Classroom Management?

The Democratic Classroom

Preventive Planning

Effective Responses to Student Behavior

What Teaching Methods Do Effective Teachers Use?

Methods Based on Learning New Behaviors

Methods Based on Child Development

Methods Based on the Thinking Process

Methods Based on Peer-Mediated Instruction

What Is Taught in Schools?

Kinds of Curriculum

Curriculum Content

How Is the School Curriculum Developed?

The Focus of Curriculum Planning

Student-Centered versus Subject-Centered Curricula

The Integrated Curriculum

Who Plans the Curriculum?

What Influences Curricular Decisions?

Textbook Publishing


10. Curriculum Standards, Assessment, and Student Learning.


What Role will Standards Play in Your Classroom?

What Is Standards-Based Education?

            Content and Performance Standards

            Standards Developed by Professional Associations

            “Aligning” Curricula and Textbooks with Standards

What Controversies Surround the Effort to Raise Standards?

            Arguments in Support of Raising Standards

            Concerns About Raising Standards

            Standards, Testing, and Accountability

            Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

            High Stakes Testing

What Methods Can You Use to Assess Student Learning?

            Purposes of Classroom Assessment

            Emerging Trends in Classroom Assessment

How Can You Develop High-Quality Classroom Assessments?

            Validity and Reliability

            Scoring Rubrics

            Multiple Measures of Student Learning


11. Teaching with Technology.


How Is Technology Transforming Teaching and Learning?

Technology and the Challenge to Schools

            E-Learning and Virtual Schools

What Technologies Are Available for Teaching?

The Television in Classrooms

The Computer Revolution

The “Magic” of Media

The Internet

How Do Teachers Use Computers and the Internet?

Preparing Lessons

Communicating with Other Educators

Posting Information and Student Work on the Web

Facilitating Students’ Learning Via Computers and Cyberspace

Does Computer Technology Enhance Student Learning?

Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Project (ACOT)

Findings from Other Research Studies

Should Technology Lead the Way in Improving U. S. Schools?

The Opposition: Computers Will Not Improve Education

The Advocates: Computers Will Improve Education

What Are the Challenges of Integrating Technology Into Schools?

            Broadband Internet Access for All Schools

Digital Quality Educational Software and WWW Sites

High Quality, Continuous Training in Technology for Teachers




12. Teachers as Educational Leaders.


To What Extent Is Teaching a Full Profession?

Institutional Monopoly of Services

Teacher Autonomy

Years of Education and Training

Provision of Essential Service

Degree of Self-Governance

Professional Associations

Professional Knowledge and Skills

Level of Public Trust

Prestige, Benefits, and Pay

What Is Professionalism in Teaching?

Professional Behavior

Lifelong Learning

Involvement in the Profession

To What Professional Organizations Do Teachers Belong?

The National Education Association

The American Federation of Teachers

The NEAFT Partnership

Other Professional Organizations

What New Leadership Roles for Teachers Are Emerging?

Teacher Involvement in Teacher Education, Certification, and Staff Development


Dimensions of Teacher Leadership Beyond the Classroom

How Do Teachers Contribute to Educational Research?

Sources of Educational Research

Government Resources for Research Application

Conducting Classroom Action Research

How Are Teachers Providing Leadership for School Restructuring and Curriculum Reform?

Leadership and Collaboration for School Reform

Collaborative School Reform Networks


13. Your First Teaching Position.


How Will You Become Certified or Licensed to Teach?

State Certification Requirements

Alternative Certification

The Praxis Series

Will You Have Difficulty Finding a Teaching Job?

Demand by Geographic Region and Specialty Area

Other Career Opportunities for Teachers

How Will You Find Your First Teaching Job?

Finding Out About Teaching Vacancies

Preparing Your Résumé

Writing Letters of Inquiry and Applications

Participating in a Job Interview

Accepting an Offer

What Can You Expect as a Beginning Teacher?

The First Day

Advice from Experienced Teachers

How Can You Become a Part of Your Learning Community?

Relationships with Students

Relationships with Colleagues and Staff

Relationships with Administrators

Relationships with Parents

Community Relations

How Can You Participate in Teacher Collaboration?

Peer Coaching

Staff Development

Team Teaching


How Will Your Performance as a Teacher Be Evaluated?

Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation

Clinical Supervision






Name Index.


Subject Index.

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