Friday, February 22, 2019

Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription)

Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription)


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Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription) Bank Test , Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription) Textbook , Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription) PDF , Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription) eBook , Mary Anne Poatsy, Montgomery County Community College Keith Mulbery, Utah Valley State College Cynthia Krebs, Utah Valley University Lynn Hogan, University of Northern Alabama Amy M. Rutledge, Oakland University Robert T. Grauer, University of M

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Windows 8

Chapter One Getting Started with Windows 8


Case Study Cedar Grove Elementary School


Windows 8 Fundamentals

    Understanding the Start Screen

    Configuring the Start Screen

    Running Windows 8 Apps

    Closing Apps

    Understanding the Desktop

    Managing Windows 8 Apps and Windows


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Windows 8 Fundamentals


Windows Programs and Security Features           

    Identifying Windows Accessories

    Working with Security Settings and Software


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Windows Programs and Security Features

    Windows Search and Help

    Performing a Search

    Using Targeted Searches

    Getting Help


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Windows Search and Help


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Microsoft Office 2013

Chapter One Office Fundamentals and File Management: Taking the First Step



Case Study Spotted Begonia Art Gallery

Windows 8 Startup

    Logging In with Your Microsoft Account

    Identifying the Start Screen Components

    Interacting with the Start Screen

    Accessing the Desktop


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Windows 8 Startup


Files and Folders             

    Using File Explorer

    Working with Folders and Files

    Selecting, Copying, and Moving Multiple Files and Folders


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Files and Folders


Microsoft Office Software

    Identifying Common Interface Components

    Getting Office Help


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Microsoft Office Software


The Backstage View Tasks           

    Opening a File

    Printing a File

    Closing a File and Application


Hands-On Exercise 4:

The Backstage View Tasks


Home Tab Tasks              

    Selecting and Editing Text

    Using the Clipboard Group Commands

    Using the Editing Group Commands


Hands-On Exercise 5:

Home Tab Tasks


Insert Tab Tasks               

    Inserting Objects


Review Tab Tasks            

    Reviewing a File


Page Layout Tab Tasks  

    Using the Page Setup Dialog Box


Hands-On Exercise 6:

Insert Tab Tasks, Page Layout Tab Tasks, and Review Tab Tasks


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter One Introduction to Word: Organizing a Document


Case Study Swan Creek National Wildlife Refuge


Introduction to Word Processing             

    Beginning and Editing a Document

    Customizing Word


Hands-On Exercise 1:

    Introduction to Word Processing


Document Organization

    Using Features That Improve Readability

    Viewing a Document in Different Ways


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Document Organization


Document Settings and Properties         

    Preparing a Document for Distribution

    Modifying Document Properties


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Document Settings and Properties


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Microsoft Office Word 2013

Chapter Two Document Presentation: Editing and Formatting


Case Study Phillips Studio L Photography


Text and Paragraph Formatting

    Applying Font Attributes

    Formatting a Paragraph


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Text and Paragraph Formatting


Document Appearance

    Formatting a Document

    Applying Styles


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Document Formatting


Inserting and Formatting Objects


Hands-On Exercise 3:



Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Three Document Productivity: Working with Tables and Mail Merge


Case Study Traylor University Economic Impact Study



    Inserting a Table

    Formatting a Table


Hands-On Exercise 1:



Advanced Table Features            

    Managing Table Data

    Enhancing Table Data


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Advanced Table Features


Mail Merge

    Creating a Mail Merge Document

    Completing a Mail Merge


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Mail Merge


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Four Collaboration and Research: Communicating and Producing Professional  Papers


Case Study Literature Analysis  


Research Paper Basics  

    Using a Writing Style and Acknowledging Sources     

    Creating and Modifying Footnotes and Endnotes

    Exploring Special Features


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Research Paper Basics


Document Tracking

    Reviewing a Document

    Tracking Changes



Hands-On Exercise 2:

Document Tracking


Online Document Collaboration

    Using SkyDrive

    Sharing and Collaborating on Documents


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Online Document Collaboration


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Microsoft Office Excel 2013

Chapter One Introduction to Excel: What Is a Spreadsheet?


Case Study Ok Office Systems   


Introduction to Spreadsheets   

    Exploring the Excel Window

    Entering and Editing Cell Data


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Introduction to Spreadsheets


Mathematics and Formulas        

    Creating Formulas

    Using Auto Fill

    Displaying Cell Formulas


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Mathematics and Formulas


Workbook and Worksheet Management

    Managing Worksheets

    Managing Columns and Rows


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Workbook and Worksheet Management


Clipboard Tasks

    Selecting, Moving, Copying, and Pasting Data


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Clipboard Tasks



    Applying Alignment and Font Options

    Applying Number Formats


Hands-On Exercise 5:



Page Setup and Printing               

    Selecting Page Setup Options

    Previewing and Printing a Worksheet


Hands-On Exercise 6:

Page Setup and Printing


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Two  Formulas and Functions: Performing Quantitative Analysis


Case Study Townsend Mortgage Company


Formula Basics 

    Using Relative, Absolute, and Mixed Cell References in Formulas

    Correcting Circular References


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Formula Basics


Function Basics

    Inserting a Function

    Inserting Basic Math and Statistics Functions

    Using Date Functions


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Function Basics


Logical, Lookup, and Financial Functions               

    Determining Results with the IF Function

    Using Lookup Functions

    Calculating Payments with the PMT Function


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Logical, Lookup, and Financial Functions


Range Names   

    Creating and Maintaining Range Names

    Using Range Names in Formulas


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Range Names


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Three Charts: Depicting Data Visually


Case Study Computer Job Outlook          


Chart Creation Basics     

    Selecting the Data Source

    Choosing a Chart Type

    Moving, Sizing, and Printing a Chart


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Chart Creation Basics


Chart Elements

    Adding Chart Elements

    Formatting Chart Elements


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Chart Elements


Chart Design and Sparklines       

    Applying a Chart Style and Colors

    Modifying the Data Source

    Creating and Customizing Sparklines


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Chart Design and Sparklines


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Four  Datasets and Tables: Managing Large Volumes of Data


Case Study Reid Furniture Store


Large Datasets 

    Freezing Rows and Columns

    Printing Large Datasets


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Large Datasets


Excel Tables       

    Designing and Creating Tables

    Applying a Table Style


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Excel Tables


Table Manipulation

    Sorting Data

    Filtering Data


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Table Manipulation


Table Aggregation

    Using Structured References and a Total Row


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Table Aggregation


Conditional Formatting 

    Applying Conditional Formatting

    Creating a New Rule


Hands-On Exercise 5:

Conditional Formatting


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Microsoft Office Access 2013

Chapter One Introduction to Access: Finding Your Way Through an Access Database


Case Study Managing a Business in the Global Economy


Databases Are Everywhere!

    Understanding Database Fundamentals

    Using an Existing Database


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Databases Are Everywhere!


Sorts and Filters               

    Sorting Table Data on One or Multiple Fields

    Creating, Modifying, and Removing Filters


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Sorts and Filters


Access Versus Excel, and Relational Databases  

    Knowing When to Use Access or Excel to Manage Data

    Understanding Relational Power


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Access Versus Excel, and Relationship Databases


Access Database Creation

    Creating a Database


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Access Database Creation


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise



Chapter Two Tables and Queries in Relational Databases: Designing Databases and Extracting Data


Case Study Bank Audit


Table Design, Creation, and Modification

    Designing a Table

    Creating and Modifying Tables


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Table Design, Creation, and Modification


Multiple-Table Databases           

    Sharing Data

    Establishing Table Relationships


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Multiple-Table Databases


Single-Table Queries     

    Creating a Single-Table Query

    Specifying Query Criteria for Different Data Types

    Understanding Query Sort Order

    Running, Copying, and Modifying a Query

    Using the Query Wizard


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Single-Table Queries


Multitable Queries         

    Creating a Multitable Query

    Modifying a Multitable Query


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Multitable Queries


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Three Customize, Analyze, and Summarize Query Data: Creating and Using Queries to Make Decisions


Case Study Housing Slump Means Opportunity For College Students     


Calculations and Expressions     

    Creating a Calculated Field in a Query

    Formatting and Saving Calculated Results


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Calculations and Expressions


The Expression Builder and Functions    

    Creating Expressions with the Expression Builder

    Using Built-In Functions in Access


Hands-On Exercise 2:

The Expression Builder and Functions


Aggregate Functions     

    Adding Aggregate Functions to Datasheets

    Creating Queries with Aggregate Functions


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Aggregate Functions


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Four Creating and Using Professional Forms and Reports: Moving Beyond Tables and Queries


Case Study Coffee Shop Starts New Business    


Form Basics       

    Creating Forms Using Form Tools

    Using Form Views

    Working with a Form Layout Control

    Sorting Records in a Form


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Create and Modify forms


Report Basics    

    Creating Reports Using Report Tools

    Using Report Views

    Modifying a Report

    Sorting Records in a Report


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Report Basics


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013

Chapter One Introduction to PowerPoint: Creating a Basic Presentation


Case Study Be a Trainer


Introduction to PowerPoint

    Using PowerPoint Views

    Typing a Speaker Note

    Saving As a Slide Show


Hands-On Exercise 1:

Introduction to PowerPoint


Presentation Creation

    Planning a Presentation

    Assessing Presentation Content

    Reviewing the Presentation


Hands-On Exercise 2:

Presentation Creation


Presentation Enhancement

    Inserting Media Objects

    Adding a Table

    Using Animations and Transitions

    Inserting a Header or Footer


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Presentation Enhancement


Navigation and Printing

    Running and Navigating a Slide Show

    Printing in PowerPoint


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Navigation and Printing


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Two Presentation Development: Planning and Preparing a Presentation


Case Study The Wellness Education Center



    Creating a Presentation Using a Template

    Modifying a Presentation Based on a Template


Hands-On Exercise 1:




    Creating a Presentation in Outline View

    Modifying an Outline Structure

    Printing an Outline


Hands-On Exercise 2:



Data Imports     

    Importing an Outline

    Reusing Slides from an Existing Presentation


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Data Imports



    Using Sections

    Examining Slide Show Design Principles

    Modifying a Theme

    Modifying the Slide Master


Hands-On Exercise 4:



Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Three Presentation Design: Illustrations and Infographics


Case Study Illustrations and Infographics Mini-Camp



    Creating Shapes

    Applying Quick Styles and Customizing Shapes


Hands-On Exercise 1:



Smartart and Wordart

    Creating SmartArt

    Modifying SmartArt

    Creating WordArt

    Modifying WordArt


Hands-On Exercise 2:

SmartArt and WordArt


Object Manipulation

    Modifying Objects

    Arranging Objects


Hands-On Exercise 3:

Object Manipulation


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Chapter Four PowerPoint Rich Media Tools: Enhancing with Multimedia


Case Study Engagement Album



    Inserting a Picture

    Transforming a Picture

    Using the Internet as a Resource


Hands-On Exercise 1:




    Adding Video

    Using Video Tools


Hands-On Exercise 2:




    Adding Audio

    Changing Audio Settings


Hands-On Exercise 3:



Photo Albums  

    Creating a Photo Album

    Setting Photo Album Options


Hands-On Exercise 4:

Photo Albums


Chapter Objectives Review        

Key Terms Matching      

Multiple Choice

Practice Exercises           

Mid-Level Exercises       

Beyond the Classroom 

Capstone Exercise


Application Capstone Exercises








Instalant Download Exploring: Microsoft Office 2013, Volume 1 (Subscription) by Mary Anne Poatsy, Montgomery County Community College Keith Mulbery, Utah Valley State College Cynthia Krebs, Utah Valley University Lynn Hogan, University of Northern Alabama Amy M. Rutledge, Oakland University Robert T. Grauer, University of M ZIP OR PDF

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