Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition

Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition


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Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition Bank Test , Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition Textbook , Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition PDF , Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition eBook , Emily Bronte Alison Booth

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations


    Top Withins

    High Sunderland

    "Gun Portrait" from Marion Harland


    Several illustrations from Bronte Society Transactions:

        Main Street, Haworth

        Haworth Old Church

        The Birthplace of the Bronte Sisters, Thornton

        The Black Bull

        Branwell Bronte's Chair

        The Waterfall on the Moor

        Haworth Parsonage

        Emily Bronte, drawing of Keeper

    Haworth Parsonage


    Facscimile Title Page of First Edition


About This Edition






Text of Wuthering Heights






        Emily and Anne Bronte, "Diary Note"

        Charlotte Bronte, "Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell"

               "Editor's Preface"

        Ellen Nussey on Emily

        Elizabeth Gaskell, The Life Of Charlotte Bronte on Emily

        Emily Bronte, Poems


    Historical, Social, and Legal  

        Inheritance, Law, and Women

            From Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon, A Brief Summary, in Plain Language, of the Most Important

            LawConcerning Women (London: Chapman, 1854) 

        Class, Urban Culture, and Mobility

            Urban Slums and Street Children


        Houses, Home Decor, and Consumer Goods

            From Charles Eastlake, Hints on Household Taste

            From John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice


    Regional and International


            Family History

                William Wright, The Brontes In Ireland

            The Great Hunger



            From Richard Blakesborough, Wit, Character, Folklore & Customs of the Nortern Riding of Yorkshire, 1898


            Literacy: Summary and Quotation from J. Paul Hunter, Before Novels

        Haworth and Vicinity

            Original Locations

            Memoirs and Pilgrimages

                C. Holmes Cautley, "Old Haworth Folk Who Knew the Brontes," 1910

                Virginia Woolf, from "Haworth, November 1904"

                Sylvia Plath

                Muriel Spark

            The Bronte Society and Parsonage Museum

                From Claude Meeker, "Haworth: Home of the Brontes," 1895


    Critical and Artful


            Early Criticism

            Sequels, Adaptations, Films


Further Reading

            Web materials

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