Saturday, January 26, 2019

Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition

Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition


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Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition Bank Test , Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition Textbook , Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition PDF , Strangers to These Shores, 11th Edition eBook , Vincent N. Parrillo, William Paterson University

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

In this Section:

1. Brief Table of Contents

2. Full Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents


Part 1:            Sociological Framework

Chapter 1:     The Study of Minorities

Chapter 2:     Culture and Social Structure

Chapter 3:     Prejudice and Discrimination

Chapter 4:     Intergroup Relations


Part 2:            European Americans

Chapter 5:     North and West European Americans

Chapter 6:     South, Central, and East Europeans


Part 3:            Visible Minorities

Chapter 7:     American Indians

Chapter 8:     Asian Americans

Chapter 9:     Middle Eastern and North African Americans

Chapter 10:   Black Americans

Chapter 11:   Hispanic Americans


Part 4:            Other Minorities

Chapter 12:   Religious Minorities

Chapter 13:   Women as a Minority Group

Chapter 14:   Gays, People with Disabilities, and the Elderly


Part 5:            Contemporary Patterns and Issues

Chapter 15:   The Ever-Changing U.S. Mosaic



Full Table of Contents


Part 1:            Sociological Framework

Chapter 1:     The Study of Minorities

The Stranger as a Social Phenomenon

Minority Groups

Racial and Ethnic Groups



The Dillingham Flaw

Personal Troubles and Public Issues

The Dynamics of Intergroup Relations

Sociological Perspectives



Chapter 2:     Culture and Social Structure

The Concept of Culture

Cultural Change

Structural Conditions


Social Class

Intergoup Connect

Ethnic Stratification

Is there a White Culture?



Chapter 3:     Prejudice and Discrimination





Chapter 4:     Intergroup Relations

Minority-Group Responses

Consequences of Minority-Group Status

Dominant-Group Responses


Minority-Minority Relations

Theories of Minority Integration



Part 2:            European Americans

Chapter 5:     North and West European Americans

Sociohistorical Perspective

English Americans

Dutch Americans

French Americans

German Americans

Irish Americans

Scandanavian Americans

Social Realities for Women

Sociological Analysis



Chapter 6:     South, Central, and East Europeans

Sociohistorical Perspective

Slavic Americans

Polish Americans

Russian Americans

Ukranian Americans

Hungarian Americans

Italian Americans

Greek Americans

Romani Americans

Immigrant Women and Work


Sociological Analysis



Part 3:            Visible Minorities

Chapter 7:     American Indians

Sociohistorical Perspective

Early Encounters

Values and Social Structure


Changes in Government Policies

Present-Day American Indian Life

Natural Resources

Red Power

The Courts

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Urban American Indians

Cultural Impact


Sociological Analysis



Chapter 8:     Asian Americans

Sociohistorical Perspective

Cultural Attributes

Chinese Americans

Japanese Americans

Filipino Americans

Korean Americans

Asian Indian Americans

Pakistani Americans

Vietnamese Americans

Other Southeast Asians


The Model-Minority Stereotype


Sociological Analysis



Chapter 9:     Middle Eastern and North African Americans

Sociohistorical Perspective

Arab Americans

Lebanese and Syrian Americans

Egyptian Americans

Iraqi Americans

Palestinian Americans

Iranian Americans

Israeli Americans

Turkish Americans


Sociological Analysis



Chapter 10:   Black Americans

Sociohistorical Perspective

Institutionalized Racism

The Winds of Change

Urban Unrest

The Bell Curve Debate

Language as Prejudice

Social Indicators of Black Progress

Race or Class?

African and Afro-Caribbean Immigrants


Sociological Analysis



Chapter 11:   Hispanic Americans

Sociohistorical Perspective

Social Indicators of Hispanic Progress

Mexican Americans

Puerto Rican Americans

Cuban Americans

Caribbean, Central, and South Americans


Sociological Analysis



Part 4:            Other Minorities

Chapter 12:   Religious Minorities

Sociohistorical Perspective

Catholic Americans

Jewish Americans

Mormon Americans

Muslim Americans

Amish Americans

Rastafarian Americans

Santerian Americans

Hindu Americans

Religion and U.S. Society


Sociological Analysis



Chapter 13:   Women as a Minority Group

Sociohistorical Perspective

The Reality of Gender Differences

Immigrant and Minority Women

Social Indicators or Women’s Status

Sexual Harassment

Sexism and the Law

Sociological Analysis



Chapter 14:   Gays, People with Disabilities, and the Elderly

Sexual Orientation

Sociohistorical Perspective

Gay Genetics

Homosexuality in the United States

Current Issues

People with Disabilities

Sociohistorical Perspectives

Americans with Disabilities

Legislative Actions

Myths and Stereotypes

Current Issues Old Age

Sociohistorical Perspective

The Graying of America

Values About Age

Myths and Stereotypes

Current Issues

Sociological Analysis



Part 5:            Contemporary Patterns and Issues

Chapter 15:   The Ever-Changing U.S. Mosaic

Ethnic Consciousness

The Changing Face of Ethnicity

Current Ethnic Issues

Diversity in the Future

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