Sunday, March 3, 2019

Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition

Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition


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Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition Bank Test , Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition Textbook , Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition PDF , Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook, 7th Edition eBook , Susan Bachmann, El Camino College Melinda Barth, El Camino College

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

Part I   The Reader 

Getting the Most from Your Reading   

Active Reading    

    "Thanksgiving"  Ellen Goodman

Discussion of Active Reading   

Active Reading as Prewriting    

Practicing Active Reading         


Chapter 1   Between Generations    

The Good Daughter, Caroline Hwang         

A Cabdriver's Daughter,  Waheeda Samady 

The Color of Love,  Danzy Senna      

Breaking Tradition,  Janice Mirikitani     

Who Shot Johnny?  Debra Dickerson         

On Teenagers and Tattoos,  Andres Martin         

The Only Child,  John Leonard

Johnny Depp: A Pirate's Life,   Sean Smith         


Chapter 2   Between Genders  

Who’s Cheap?  Adair Lara   

Peaches,  Reginald McKnight  

Blue Spruce,  Stephen Perry  

Watching My Back,  Jeff Z. Klein  

Pigskin, Patriarchy, and Pain,  Don Sabo  

The Work,    Dana Beardsley Crotwell  

When a Woman Says No,  Ellen Goodman     

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?  Joyce Carol Oates    

A Fine Romance,  David Denby 


Chapter 3   Between Cultures  

Living in Two Worlds, Marcus Mabry

Terra Firma—A Journey from Migrant Farm Labor to Neurosurgery , Alfredo Qui~nones-Hinojosa     

Mr. Z,  M. Carl Holman 

Race Is a Four-Letter Word,  Teja Arboleda        

An Identity Reduced to a Burka,  Semeen Issa and Laila Al-Marayati

Hidden in Plain Sight,  Zaiba Malik  

The Myth of the Latin Woman,  Judith Ortiz Cofer       

Los Vendidos,  Luis Valdez    


Crash, Roger Ebert     

Bigotry as the Outer Side of Inner Angst, A. O. Scott        

Crash Writing Topics 

Thinking about the Film, Writing from the Film, and Connecting with other Texts     


Chapter 4  Between Perceptions     

Living under Circe’s Spell, Matthew Soyster       

The Difference Between Pity and Empathy,  John A. Vaughn  

In Groups We Shrink, Carol Tavris 

The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination,  J. K. Rowling        

The Myth of the Latin Woman,  Judith Ortiz Cofer           

If the Genes Fit,  Dan Neil   

Black Men and Public Space,  Brent Staples      

King Curtis’s Echo,  Max Thayer     

Blue Spruce,  Stephen Perry  

Discrimination at Large,  Jennifer A. Coleman    

O.K., So I’m Fat,  Neil Steinberg    

“Diabesity,” A Crisis in an Expanding Country,  Jane E. Brody        

Bodily Harm,  Pamela Erens    

Three Ways of Meeting Oppression,  Martin Luther King Jr.  


Stuttering Can Be Shameful,  Dan Slater

The King's Speech,  Philip French

The King's Speech Writing Topics

Thinking about the Film, Writing from the Film, and Connecting with other Texts     


Chapter 5   Between Points of View 

iHuh?  Patricia Wen   

What the Cellphone Industry Won't Tell You,  Myron Levin    

Education, Backed by Law,  Janet P. Froetscher 

How the Brain Reacts,  Marcel Just and Tim Keller      

Does the Internet Make You Smarter?  Clay Shirky 

Does the Internet Make You Dumber? Nicholas Carr  

Your Brain on Computers,  Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons      

I Don't Give a Tweet What You're Doing,  Meghan Daum

Twitter? It's What You Make It, David Pogue     

Time Lost and Found,  Anne Lamott  

Coke,  Philip Dacey     

Greed in the Name of Green, Monica Hesse         

Why Bother?  Michael Pollan         


Al Gore Warms Up to a Very Hot Topic,  Kevin Crust  

Did Al Get the Science Right?  Katharine Mieszkowski

Warning of Calamities and Hoping for a Change,  A. O. Scott      

An Inconvenient Truth Writing Topics 

Thinking about the Film, Writing from the Film, and Connecting with other Texts     


Part II   The Rhetoric    

Chapter 6  Getting Started . . . Now!

Short Assignments  Anne Lamott   

Prewriting as Discovery     

Individual Brainstorming     


    Practicing Freewriting 

Journal Writing    

    Practicing Journal Writing   


    Practicing Clustering  


    Practicing Pre-Reading Listing     

    Practicing Post-Reading Listing    

Active Reading    

    Practicing Active Reading and Critical Thinking

Group Brainstorming—Collaborative Learning and Critical Thinking

    Practicing Brainstorming in Small Groups 


Considering Audience        

    Practicing Style 

Analyzing Audience Awareness        

    Example: Convincing an Audience     

READING:    Why Stop Smoking? Let’s Get Clinical  William F. Harrison  

    Practicing Audience Awareness


Chapter 7   Organizing and Drafting an Essay  

From Prewriting to Purpose  

Discovering the Claim—From General to Specific          

    Practice Exercise: Recognizing a Thesis  

    Practicing Thesis Writing    

Supporting a Thesis           

Writing an Outline 

Writing a Paragraph           

    Practicing Topic Sentences   

    Practicing How to Recognize Irrelevant Details 

Using Sources for Support   

    Practicing the Sandwich


    Practicing Paraphrasing

    Practicing Combining Paraphrase and Quotation  


Chapter 8   Revising an Essay  

Rewriting and Rewriting  

    Example: Draft with Instructor’s Comments    

    Student Example: Final Essay

READING:    Dieting Daze: No In-Between  Rachel Krell       

Rewriting for Coherence     

    Practicing Coherence   

Writing Titles       

Writing Introductions          

Writing Conclusions          

    Final Tips for Revising           


Chapter 9   Writing to Persuade       

Prevalence of Persuasion

Persuasion as Argument  

The Doubting and Believing Games  

When to Use Argument    

Brainstorming for an Argument

Explicit and Implicit Arguments      

Arguments and Proposals

    Sound Reasoning: Balancing Logos, Pathos, and Ethos   

    Audience and Argument     

    Argument Introductions      

    Organizing and Developing An Argument         

    Preparing Your Argument    

    Strategies for Writing An Argument Essay        

    Illustrations from the Text    

READING:    My Favorite School Class: Involuntary Servitude, Joe Goodwin      

Avoiding Logical Fallacies  

    Practicing Writing Argument Essays 

    Final Tips for Argument Essays     


Chapter 10   Methods for Developing Essays    

Combining Multiple Methods


    Organizing and Developing a Summary

READING:    Student Example: A Summary of “Three Ways of Meeting Oppression”  Chris Thomas

Summary as Part of a Larger Assignment        

Final Tips for a Summary    



When to Use Narration       

Organizing and Developing a Narrative           

    Student Example: A Narrative: Through the Cracks,” Rebekah Hall-Naganuma       

    Practicing Writing Essays with Narration 

Final Tips for a Narrative       


Evaluative Response    

When to Write an Evaluative Response Essay   

Organizing and Developing an Evaluative Response Essay           

READING:    Student Example: An Evaluative Response Essay: "Thanksgiving Beyond the Cleaver Family,"  Marin Kheng         

    Practicing Writing an Evaluative Response Essay

Final Tips for an Evaluative Response Essay  



When to Use Definition       

Organizing and Developing a Definition Essay   

The Purpose of Defining      

READING:    An Essay Based on Definition: "You Call That Irony?"  Jon Winokur 

    Practicing Writing Definition Essays     

Final Tips for a Definition Essay          


Cause and Effect 

When to Use Cause-and-Effect Development     

Organizing and Developing a Cause-and-Effect Essay     

READING:    A Cause-and-Effect Essay: "I Confess Some Envy,"  Robert McKelvey    

    Practicing Writing Essays about Causes and Effects   

Final Tips for Cause-and-Effect Development 


Comparison and Contrast

When to Use Comparison-Contrast Development    

Organizing and Developing a Comparison-Contrast Essay

Which Method to Use: Block or Point by Point?  

READING:    A Comparison-Contrast Essay: "Reality Check,"  Alex Garcia  

    Practicing Writing Essays That Use Comparison and Contrast 

Final Tips for Comparison and Contrast Essays            


Chapter 11   Analysis      

Analysis of a Process, Problem, or Subject     

When to Use Analysis        

Analysis of a Process        

    Practicing Process Analysis in Small Groups    

READING:    A Process Analysis Essay: "How to Get Better Gas Mileage," Katharine Mieszkowski         

    Practicing Writing a Process Analysis Essay    

Final Tips for a Process Analysis Essay           


Analysis of a Problem  

READING:    A Problem Analysis Essay: "Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments," Robert L. Heilbroner        

    Practicing Writing a Problem Analysis Essay    

Final Tips for a Problem Analysis Essay           


Analysis of a Subject  


Poetry and Character Analysis

What Is Poetry Analysis?     

READING:    Active Reading of a Poem: "Breaking Tradition," Janice Mirikitani  

Active Reading of a Poem: “Breaking Tradition”            

READING:    Student Example: "Breaking the Ties That Bind," Robert Sakatani   

    Practicing Writing Poetry Analysis 

Final Tips for Poetry Analysis              


What Is Character Analysis?               

Character Analysis: Short Story         

READING:    Student Example: "Who Were You, Connie, and Why Did You Go?" Marianela Enriquez  

    Practicing Writing a Character Analysis  

Character Analysis: Biography           

READING:    Student Example: "The Earhart Appeal,"  Leselle Norville      

Final Tips for Writing a Focused Biography     


Chapter 12  Writing the Research Paper  

Planning the Research Paper           

Gathering Library Material   

Beginning a Periodical Search—Head for the Databases  

Beginning an Internet Search—Some Cautions  

Refining an Internet Search  

    Evaluation Criteria for Web Sources: “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” —Susan E. Beck

    Practice Finding the Errors  

Gathering Additional Information: The Interview 

READING:    Student Example: "From Access to Acceptance: Enabling America’s Largest Minority," Shannon Paaske    

Documenting the Research Paper: MLA Style   

    Indicating Titles       

    Writing Parenthetical Citations           

    Preparing the Works Cited Page        

    Sample MLA Entries              

Documenting the Research Paper: APA Style   

    Writing Parenthetical Citations           

    Specific Examples of APA Form         

    Preparing the References Page         

    Sample APA Entries               


Part III    The Handbook  

Chapter 13    Understanding How Sentences Work    




Adjectives and Adverbs     



Sentence Variation

    Practicing Sentence Variation


Chapter 14    Understanding Common Errors    


Run-on or Fused Sentences 

Pronoun Reference Agreement         

Pronoun Case      

Subject-Verb Agreement     


Mixed Sentences  

Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers     

Faulty Parallelism 


Chapter 15    Understanding Punctuation  xxx


Chapter 16    Understanding Faulty Word Choice     


Slang, Jargon, and Colloquial Words  

Archaic Words, Euphemisms, and Pretentious Words      


Sexist Language   


Glossary of Usage: Commonly Confused Words


Author Index       

Subject and Title Index       

Editing Symbols chart appears opposite page

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