Sunday, March 3, 2019

Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition

Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition


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Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition Bank Test , Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition Textbook , Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition PDF , Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction, 6th Edition eBook , Frank Schmalleger, Emeritus, University of North Carolina

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents







About the Author.




1. What Is Criminal Justice?    


A Brief History of Crime in America      

CJ News   First Enron Executive Goes to Prison          

The Theme of This Book          

Social Justice    

American Criminal Justice: System and Functions          

The Consensus Model  

The Conflict Model       

American Criminal Justice: The Process

Investigation and Arrest            

Pretrial Activities           




Due Process and Individual Rights         

The Role of the Courts in Defining Rights           

The Ultimate Goal: Crime Control through Due Process

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

The Role of Research in Criminal Justice           

CJ Careers    U.S. Federal Government 2004 General
Schedule (GS) Pay       

Multiculturalism and Diversity in Criminal Justice            


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


2. The Crime Picture.


Crime Data and Social Policy    

The Collection of Crime Data    

The Uniform Crime Reports      

Development of the UCR Program        

Historical Trends          

UCR Terminology        

Part I Offenses

CJ News   Bank Robbers Loving NYC           

Multiculturalism and Diversity   Race and the
Criminal Justice System

CJ Exhibit 2—1 Identity Theft: A New Kind of Larceny         

Part II Offenses            

NIBRS: The New UCR            

The National Crime Victimization Survey           

Comparisons of the UCR and the NCVS          

Problems with the UCR and the NCVS            

Special Categories of Crime      

Crime against Women   

Multiculturalism and Diversity   Gender Issues
in Criminal Justice         

CJ Exhibit 2—2 Offline versus Online Stalking: A Comparison            

Crime against the Elderly

Hate Crime       

Corporate and White-Collar Crime       

Organized Crime          

Gun Crime        

Drug Crime      

CJ Exhibit 2—3 Gun Control

CJ Careers   Drug Enforcement Administration         

High-Technology and Computer Crime


CJ Exhibit 2—4 What Is Terrorist Activity?    

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


3. Criminal Law.


The Nature and Purpose of Law           

The Rule of Law           

Types of Law   

Criminal Law    

Civil Law          

Administrative Law       

Case Law         

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

Procedural Law            

General Categories of Crime     




Treason and Espionage

Inchoate Offenses         

General Features of Crime        

The Criminal Act (Actus Reus)

A Guilty Mind (Mens Rea)        


Other Features of Crime           

Elements of a Specific Criminal Offense

The Example of Murder            

The Corpus Delicti of a Crime

Multiculturalism and Diversity   Islamic Law      

Types of Defenses to a Criminal Charge            




Defense of Others         


CJ Careers   U.S. Secret Service–Uniformed Division         

CJ News   Texas Woman Who Killed Kids Acquitted

Procedural Defenses     


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       




4. Policing: Purpose and Organization.


The Police Mission       

Enforcing the Law         

Apprehending Offenders           

Preventing Crime          

Preserving the Peace     

Providing Services        

American Policing: From the Federal
to the Local Level         

Federal Agencies          

CJ Careers   Federal Bureau of Investigation

State-Level Agencies    

Local Agencies

CJ News   Sheriff’s Hunt for Serial Killer Was a Mission ,
Not Just a Job  

Police Administration    

Policing Styles  

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

Police-Community Relations     

Scientific Police Management    

Discretion and the Individual Officer      


Discussion Questions

Web Quest       


5. Policing: Legal Aspects.


The Abuse of police power       

A Changing Legal Climate         

Individual Rights           

Due Process Requirements       

Search and Seizure       

The Exclusionary Rule   

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

The Warren Court (1953—1969)           

The Burger (1969—1986) and Rehnquist
(1986—Present) Courts

CJ Exhibit 5—1 Plain-View Requirements      


CJ News   Court Permits Speedy Drug Raid    

Searches Incident to Arrest       

Emergency Searches of Persons            

CJ Careers   Bureau of Immigration and Customs

Vehicle Searches          

Suspicionless Searches

High-Technology Searches       

The Intelligence Function           


Police Interrogation       

The Right to a Lawyer at Interrogation  

Suspect Rights: The Miranda Decision  

CJ Exhibit 5—2 The Miranda Warnings        

CJ Exhibit 5—3 Miranda Update      

Gathering Special Kinds of Nontestimonial Evidence     

Electronic Eavesdropping          

CJ Exhibit 5—4 The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001     


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


6. Policing: Issues and Challenges.


Police Personality and Culture   

Multiculturalism and Diversity   Policing
a Multicultural Society   

Corruption and Integrity            

Money–The Root of Police Evil?         

Building Police Integrity

Drug Testing of Police Employees         

The Dangers of Police Work     

Violence in the Line of Duty

Risk of Disease and Infected Evidence  

Stress and Fatigue among Police Officers          

Terrorism’s Impact on American Policing          

Police Civil Liability      

Common Sources of Civil Suits

Federal Lawsuits          

Racial Profiling and Biased Policing       

Racially Biased Policing            

Police Use of Force

Deadly Force   

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

Less-Lethal Weapons   

CJ Careers   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms,
and Explosives  

CJ News   As Shocks Replace Bullets, Deaths Fall      

Professionalism and Ethics        

CJ Exhibit 6—1 The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics           

Education and Training  

Multiculturalism and Diversity   Investigating
Crime in a Multicultural Setting  

Recruitment and Selection         

Ethnic and Gender Diversity in Policing  

Women as Effective Police Officers

Increasing the Number of Minorities and Women in Police Work

Private Protective Services        

Integrating Public and Private Security   


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       




7. The Courts.


History and Structure of the American Court System     

The State Court System            

The Development of State Courts

State Court Systems Today      

The Federal Court System        

U.S. District Courts      

U.S. Courts of Appeals            

The U.S. Supreme Court          

Multiculturalism and Diversity   The International
Criminal Court  

Pretrial Activities           

The First Appearance   

CJ Exhibit 7—1 Nonjudicial Pretrial Release Decisions           

The Grand Jury

The Preliminary Hearing            

Arraignment and the Plea          


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


8. The Courtroom Work Group and the Criminal Trial.


The Courtroom Work Group: Professional
Courtroom Actors        

The Judge         

The Prosecuting Attorney          

The Defense Counsel    

CJ News   How Good a Defense Should a Suspect Get?         

CJ Exhibit 8—1 Gideon v. Wainwright and Indigent Defense            

CJ Exhibit 8—2 American Bar Association Code of
Professional Responsibility        

The Bailiff         

CJ Careers   U.S. Marshals Service  

Local Court Administrators       

The Court Reporter      

The Clerk of Court       

The Expert Witness      

Outsiders: Nonprofessional Courtroom Participants       

Lay Witnesses  


The Victim        

The Defendant  

The Press         

The Criminal Trial         

Nature and Purpose of the Criminal Trial           

Stages in a Criminal Trial           

Trial Initiation: The Speedy Trial Act

Jury Selection   

CJ Exhibit 8—3 Peremptory Challenges and Race      

Opening Statements      

CJ Exhibit 8—4 Pretrial and Posttrial Motions            

The Presentation of Evidence    

Closing Arguments        

The Judge’s Charge to the Jury

Jury Deliberations and the Verdict         

Multiculturalism and Diversity   The Bilingual Courtroom           

Improving the Adjudication Process      


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


9. Sentencing.


The Philosophy and Goals of Criminal Sentencing          






Indeterminate Sentencing          

Critiques of Indeterminate Sentencing    

Structured Sentencing   

Critiques of Structured Sentencing         

CJ Exhibit 9—1 Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances     

Mandatory Sentencing  

CJ Exhibit 9—2 Three Strikes and You’re Out:
A Brief History of the “Get Tough on Crime” Movement           

Truth in Sentencing       

Federal Sentencing Guidelines   

Federal Guideline Provisions     

Plea Bargaining under the Guidelines     

CJ News: Sentencing Decision’s Reach Is Far and Wide:
The Impact of Blakely v. Washington

Innovations in Sentencing          

Questions about Alternative Sanctions   

The Presentence Investigation   

The Victim–Forgotten No Longer       

CJ Exhibit 9—3 President Bush Calls for Victims’
Rights Amendment        

Victim-Impact Statements         

Modern Sentencing Options      


Death: The Ultimate Sanction    

Habeas Corpus Review           

Opposition to Capital Punishment          

Justifications for Capital Punishment      

CJ News   Massachusetts Governor Names Panel
to Draft New Death Penalty Bill            

The Courts and the Death Penalty         

The Future of the Death Penalty            

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       




10. Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections.


What Is Probation?       

The Extent of Probation

Probation Conditions    

What Is Parole?

The Extent of Parole     

Parole Conditions         

Federal Parole  

Probation and Parole: The Pluses and Minuses  

Advantages of Probation and Parole     

Disadvantages of Probation and Parole

CJ News   Florida Eyes Tougher Probation Laws        

The Legal Environment

The Federal Probation System  

The Job of Probation and Parole Officers          

CJ Careers   U.S. Probation Officer

The Challenges of the Job         

Intermediate Sanctions  

Split Sentencing            

Shock Probation and Shock Parole       

Shock Incarceration      

Mixed Sentencing and Community Service        

Intensive Supervision    

Home Confinement and Remote Location Monitoring    

The Future of Probation and Parole       


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


11. Prisons and Jails.



The Philosophy of Imprisonment           


Security Levels

The Federal Prison System       

Recent Improvements   


CJ Careers   Federal Bureau of Prisons        

Women and Jail            

The Growth of Jails       

Direct-Supervision Jails

Jails and the Future       

CJ Exhibit 11—1 American Jail Association Code
of Ethics for Jail Officers           

Private Prisons  

CJ Exhibit 11—2 Arguments for and Against
the Privatization of Prisons        


Discussion Questions    

Web Quest


12. Prison Life.


Research on Prison Life: Total Institutions          

The Male Inmate’s World         

CJ Exhibit 12—1 Prison Argot: The Language of Confinement            

The Evolution of Prison Subcultures      

The Functions of Prison Subcultures      

Prison Lifestyles and Inmate Types

Homosexuality in Prison            

The Female Inmate’s World      

CJ News   Child Sleepovers at Prison Reviewed          

Social Structure in Women’s Prisons     

Types of Female Inmates          

Violence in Women’s Prisons    

The Staff World

Freedom or Safety? You Decide.          

CJ Exhibit 12—2 American Correctional Association
Code of Ethics  

The Professionalization of Correctional Officers

Prison Riots      

Causes of Riots            

Stages in Riots and Riot Control            

Prisoners’ Rights           

The Legal Basis of Prisoners’ Rights      

Precedents in Prisoners’ Rights

CJ Exhibit 12—3 Federal Oversight of the Texas
Prison System: A Timeline         

A Return to the Hands-Off Doctrine?    

CJ Careers    U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Issues Facing Prisons Today     


Geriatric Offenders       

Mentally Ill Inmates       



Discussion Questions    

Web Quest       


Appendix A. Bill of Rights A-1.


Appendix B. List of Acronyms A-3.





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