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Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition

Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition


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Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition Bank Test , Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition Textbook , Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition PDF , Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special Education (with Casebooks for Reflection and Analysis), 10th Edition eBook , Daniel P. Hallahan, University of Virginia James M. Kauffman, University of Virginia

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

 1. Exceptionality and Special Education.

Getting Oriented to Exceptionality and Special Education.

        Reasons for Optimism.

        The Importance of Abilities.

        Disability Versus Handicap.

        Disability Versus Inability.

Educational Definition of Exceptional Learners.

Prevalence of Exceptional Learners.

        High-Incidence and Low-Incidence Categories.

Definition of Special Education.

Providing Special Education.

Teachers’ Roles.

        Relationship Between General and Special Education.

        Special Education and Students at Risk.

        The Inclusion Controversy.

        Expectations for All Educators.

        Expectations for Special Educators.

Origins of Special Education.

        People and Ideas.

        Growth of the Discipline.

Legislation and Litigation.



The Intent of Legislation: Individualized Education for Students with Disabilities.

Our Perspective on the Progress of Special Education.

2. Current Trends and Issues.

Integration into the Larger Society.




        Integration into Schools.

        Full Inclusion.


        Prereferral Teams and Response to Intervention.

        Collaborative Consultation.


        Curricula and Instructional Strategies.

        Accommodations and Adaptations.

Participation in General Assessments of Progress: IDEA and NCLB.

Access to New Technologies.

Early Intervention.

        Types of Programs.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Federal Initiatives.

3. Multicultural and Bilingual Aspects of Special Education.

America and Multiculturalism.

Education and Cultural Diversity: Multicultural and Bilingual Special Education.




4. Parents and Families.

Professionals’ Changing Views of Parents.

The Effects of a Child with a Disability on the Family.

        Parental Reactions.

        Sibling Reactions.

Family Involvement in Treatment and Education.

        Family Interaction.

        Social Support for Families.

        Positive Behavior Support for Challenging Behaviors.

        Communication Between Parents and Professionals.

        Parent Advocacy.

5. Learners with Mental Retardation.


        The AAMR Definition.

        Classification of Mental Retardation.



        Prenatal Causes.

        Perinatal Causes.

        Postnatal Causes.


        Intelligence Tests.

        Adaptive Behavior Skills.

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Linking Genetic Syndromes to Particular Behavioral Phenotypes.

Educational Considerations.

        Inclusion and Useful Skills.


        Instructional Methods.

        Service Delivery Models.

Early Intervention.

        Early Childhood Programs Designed for Prevention.

        Early Childhood Programs Designed to Further Development.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Community Adjustment.


        Prospects for the Future.

6. Learners with Learning Disabilities.


        The Federal Definition.

        The National Joint Committee for Learning Disabilities (NJCLD) Definition.

Identification Procedures.

        Achievement-Ability Discrepancy.

        Response to Intervention or Response to Treatment.


        Increase in Prevalence.

        Gender Differences.


        Genetic Factors.

        Teratogenic Factors.

        Medical Factors.


        Standardized Achievement Assessment.

        Formative Assessment.

        Informal Assessment.

        Authentic Assessment.

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Interindividual Variation.

        Intraindividual Variation.

        Academic Achievement Problems.

        Perceptual, Perceptual-Motor, and General Coordination Problems.

        Disorders of Attention and Hyperactivity.

        Memory, Cognitive, and Metacognitive Problems.

        Social-Emotional Problems.

        Motivational Problems.

        The Child with Learning Disabilities as an Inactive Learner with Strategy Deficits.

Educational Considerations.

        Cognitive Training.

        Direct Instruction.

        Best Practices in Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities.

        Service Delivery Models.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Factors Related to Successful Transition.

        Secondary Programming.

        Postsecondary Programming.

7. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Brief History.

        Still’s Children with “Defective Moral Control”.

        Goldstein’s Brain-Injured Soldiers of World War I.

        The Strauss Syndrome.

        Cruickshank’s Work.

        Minimal Brain Injury and Hyperactive Child Syndrome.





        Areas of the Brain Affected: Frontal Lobes, Basal Ganglia, and Cerebellum.

        Neurotransmitter Involved: Dopamine.

        Hereditary Factors.

        Toxins and Medical Factors.

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Barkley’s Model of ADHD.

        Adaptive Skills.

        Problems Socializing with Peers.

        Coexisting Conditions.

Educational Considerations.

        Classroom Structure and Teacher Direction.

        Functional Assessment and Contingency-Based Self-Management.

        Service Delivery Models.

Medication Considerations.

        Opposition to Ritalin.

        The Research Evidence.

        Cautions Regarding Ritalin.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Diagnosis in Adulthood.

        Adult Outcomes.

        Importance of Coaching.

8. Learners with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders.



        Definitional Problems.

        Current Definitions.




        Biological Factors.

        Family Factors.

        School Factors.

        Cultural Factors.


        Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

Educational Considerations.

        Balancing Behavioral Control with Academic and Social Learning.

        Importance of Integrated Services.

        Strategies That Work.

        Service Delivery Models.

        Instructional Considerations.

        Special Disciplinary Considerations.

Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Behavioral Supports.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

9. Learners with Communication Disorders.



Communication Variations.

Language Disorders.

        Classification of Language Disorders.

Speech Disorders.

        Phonological Disorders.

        Articulation Disorders.

        Voice Disorders.

        Fluency Disorders.

        Motor-Speech Speech Disorders.


Strategies for Assessment and Intervention.

Educational Considerations.

        Facilitating the Social Use of Language.


        Teaching Written Language.

Early Intervention.

        Early Development and Early Intervention.

        Early Intervention in Delayed Language Development.

        Involvement of Families.

Transition to Adulthood.

10. Learners Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Definition and Classification.


Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear.

        The Outer Ear.

        The Middle Ear.

        The Inner Ear.

Measurement of Hearing Ability.

        Screening Tests.

        Pure-Tone Audiometry.

        Speech Audiometry.

        Tests for Young and Hard-to-Test Children.


        Conductive, Sensorineural, and Mixed Hearing Impairments.

        Hearing Impairment and the Outer Ear.

        Hearing Impairment and the Middle Ear.

        Hearing Impairment and the Inner Ear.

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Spoken Language and Speech Development.

        Sign Language.

        Social Adjustment.

Educational Considerations.

Oral Approach: Auditory-Verbal Approach and Auditory-Oral Approach.

        Total Communication.

        The Bicultural-Bilingual Approach.

        Service Delivery Models.

        Technological Advances.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Postsecondary Education.

        Family Issues.

11. Learners with Blindness or Low Vision.

Definition and Classification.

        Legal Definition.

        Educational Definition.


Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye.

        Measurement of Visual Ability.


Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Language Development.

        Intellectual Ability.

        Orientation and Mobility.

        Academic Achievement.

        Social Adjustment.

        Stereotypic Behaviors.

Educational Considerations.


        Use of Remaining Sight.

        Listening Skills.

        Orientation and Mobility (O & M) Training.

        Technological Aids.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.


12. Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Historical Context:   Kanner’s and Asperger’s Papers.

        Leo Kanner’s Paper.

        Hans Asperger’s Paper.

Definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

        Autism Defined.

        Asperger Syndrome Defined.



        Early Causal Theories.

        Today’s Causal Theories.



        Asperger Syndrome.

        Attempts to Construct a Unifying Theory of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Educational Considerations.

        Educational Programming Principles for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

        Educational Strategies for Teaching Social Skills to Students with Asperger Syndrome.

        Service Delivery Models.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Transition Programming for Persons with Autism.

        Transition Programming for Persons with Asperger Syndrome.

13. Learners with Low Incidence, Multiple, and Severe Disabilities.

Definition and Prevalence of Multiple and Severe Disabilities.

Traumatic Brain Injury.

        Definition and Characteristics.



        Educational Considerations.





        Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

        Educational Considerations.

Considerations for Many Students with Low Incidence, Multiple, and Severe Disabilities.

        Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

        Behavior Problems.

        Early Intervention.

        Transition to Adulthood.

14. Learners with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairment.

Definition and Classification.

Prevalence and Need.

Neuromotor Impairments.

        Cerebral Palsy.

        Seizure Disorder (Epilepsy).

        Spina Bifida and Other Spinal Cord Injuries.

Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Other Conditions Affecting Health or Physical Ability.

Prevention of Physical Disabilities.

        Personality Characteristics.

Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Adaptive Devices for Daily Living.

Educational Considerations.

        Educational Placement.

        Educational Goals and Curricula.

Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

        Choosing a Career.


15. Learners with Special Gifts and Talents.



Origins of Giftedness.

Identification of Giftedness.

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics.

Cultural Values Regarding Student with Special Gifts or Talents and Their Education.

Neglected Groups of Students with Special Gifts or Talents.

        Underachievers with Special Gifts or Talents.

        Students Low in Socioeconomic Status and Those Living in Remote Areas.

        Students with Special Gifts from Cultural- and Ethnic-Minority Groups.

        Students with Disabilities and Special Gifts or Talents.

        Females with Special Gifts or Talents.

Educational Considerations.



Early Intervention.

Transition to Adulthood.

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