Saturday, April 27, 2019

Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition

Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition


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Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition Bank Test , Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition Textbook , Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition PDF , Old Testament Story, The, 8th Edition eBook , John Tullock, Belmont University Mark McEntire, Belmont University School of Religion, Nashville

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents

The Old Testament Story 8th Edition

John H. Tullock

Revised by Mark McEntire



Bibliographical Abbreviations xiii

Maps xv

Preface xvii

Acknowledgments xviii


1          The Book and Those Who Study It                                                        1


The Old Testament: What Is It?   2

How It Began   4

How It Developed   6

The Work of Scholars   9

Archaeology as a Tool for Understanding   16

Why Study the Old Testament?   22

Study Questions  23

Endnotes   23


2          The Geographical and Historical Settings for the Old Testament

Prior to 1200 B.C.E.                                                                                    25


The Ancient Near East    26

Mesopotamia    27

Asia Minor    29

Egypt    29

Syria-Phoenicia    30

Palestine    32

Study Questions    39

Endnotes    39


3          Israel Looks at the Beginnings                                                               41


The Primeval Complex    42

The Ancestral Complex    52

Genesis in Retrospect    64

Study Questions    65

Endnotes    66


4          Israel Becomes a People: Exodus and Wilderness                           68


The Book of Israel’s Beginnings    70

Moses: Birth and Wilderness Years    71

Moses: The Struggle with the Pharaoh    74

The Exodus Event    80

Sinai and the Giving of the Law    85

After Mount Sinai    96

Themes in the Pentateuch    102

Study Questions    103

Endnotes    104




5          Israel Gains a Home: Joshua and Judges                                           106

Moving into the Promised Land    107

Continuing the Story of Occupation    116

Proposed Models for the Israelite Occupation of Canaan    127

Study Questions    128

Endnotes    129


6          Israel Demands a King: Samuel and Saul                                            131

The Sources for the Story of the Israelite Kingdoms    132

The Story of Samuel    133

The Establishment of Saul’s Kingship (1020—1000 B.C.E.)    139

The Appearance of David    143

Samuel, Saul, and David: A Summary    150

Study Questions    150

Endnotes    151


7          Israel’s Time of Glory: David and Solomon                                         152

David: King Over Judah    153

David: King Over All Israel    154

The Court History of David    156

The Reign of Solomon    165

Study Questions    175

Endnotes    175

A01_TULL2463_08_SE_FM.QXD 1/2/08 5:47 PM Page x

Contents xi


8          Israel Becomes Two: The Story of the Northern Kingdom             177

Approaching the Divided-Kingdom Story    178

The Division of the Kingdom    179

The Dynasty of Omri    182

Elijah’s Confrontations with Ahab and Jezebel    186

Jehu to Jeroboam II (842—746 B.C.E.)    193

Israel’s Eighth-Century Prophets: Amos and Hosea    194

The Destruction of the Northern Kingdom    212

Study Questions    212

Endnotes    213


9          Judah: Rehoboam to Hezekiah (922—687 B.C.E.)                              215

Judah After the Division    216

The Eighth-Century Prophets from Judah    218

Study Questions    237

Endnotes    238


10        Judah: Manasseh to Zedekiah and the Exile                                      239

The International Situation    240

The Situation in Judah    240

King Jehoiakim and the Prophets Nahum and Habakkuk    246

The Final Years of Judah and the Prophet Jeremiah    250

Study Questions    270

Endnotes    270



11        The Exile: Judah’s Dark Night of the Soul                                           272

After the Fall of Jerusalem    273

With the Exiles in Babylon    278

The Prophet of the Transition: Ezekiel    280

The Collapse of the Babylonian Empire    297

The Exiles’ Great Unknown Prophet: Isaiah 40—66    298

Study Questions    312

Endnotes    313


12        The Post-Exilic Period: Judah Revived                                                314

The Changing International Situation (538—486 B.C.E.)    315

The Restored Community    315

Ezra and Nehemiah    321

Study Questions    328

Endnotes    328

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xii Contents


13        A Legacy of Israel: Teachers of Wisdom and Singers of Songs   329

The Wisdom Literature    330

Israel Sings Its Faith    352

Study Questions    364

Endnotes    365


14        The Time of Silence: Judah in Eclipse                                      367

The Historical Situation    368

The Maccabean Revolt    369

The Word of the LORD in Difficult Times    370

Study Questions    388

Endnotes    388


15 Epilogue: The Continuing Story                                                                   390

Life in Jewish Communities    391

The Rise of Parties and Sects    392

Literary Activity    394

Judaism’s Oral Tradition    397

The End of the Matter    398

Study Questions    398

Endnotes    399

Glossary 400

For Further Study 409

Comprehensive Chronological Chart 415

Credits 419

Index 421

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