Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition

The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition


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The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition Bank Test , The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition Textbook , The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition PDF , The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition eBook , Judith Nadell Judith Nadell John Langan John Langan Deborah A Coxwell-Teague

Category : Higher Education

Table of Contents


1. Becoming a Critical Reader and Thinker

2. The Writing Process

3. Description

4. Narration

5. Illustration

6. Division-Classification

7. Process Analysis

8. Comparison-Contrast

9. Cause-Effect

10. Definition

11. Argumentation-Persuasion

12. Combining the Patterns


Thematic Contents 

Overview of Checklists

Revision/Peer Review Checklist


1. Becoming a Critical Reader and Thinker 

Critical Reading: An Introduction 

Stage 1: Get an Overview of the Selection 

First Reading: A Checklist 

Stage 2: Deepen Your Sense of the Selection 

Second Reading: A Checklist 

Stage 3: Critically Evaluate the Selection 

Critically Evaluating a Selection: A Checklist 

Critically Assess Visuals in a Reading 

  Critically Assessing an Image: An Example 

  Critically Assessing a Graph: An Example 

A Model Annotated Reading

Larry Rosen, “Our Obsessive Relationship with Technology”

2. The Writing Process

The Steps in the Writing Process

Stage 1: Using Prewriting to Get Started

  Keep a Journal 

  Understand the Boundaries of the Assignment

  Determine Your Purpose, Audience, and Tone

Analyzing Your Audience: A Checklist

  Discover Your Essay’s Limited Subject

  Generate Raw Material About Your Limited Subject

  Conduct Research

  Organize the Raw Material

Activity Set 1: Prewrite

Stage 2: Identify the Thesis

  Writing an Effective Thesis

  Avoiding Thesis Pitfalls

Activity Set 2: Identify The Thesis

Stage 3: Support the Thesis with Evidence

  What Is Evidence?

  Where Do You Find Evidence?

  How the Patterns of Development Help Generate Evidence

  Characteristics of Evidence

Activity Set 3: Support the Thesis with Evidence

Stage 4: Organize the Evidence

  Use the Patterns of Development

  Select an Organizational Approach

  Prepare an Outline

Outlining: A Checklist

Activity Set 4: Organize the Evidence

Stage 5: Write the First Draft

  How to Proceed

Turning an Outline into a First Draft: A Checklist

  Write the Supporting Paragraphs

  Connect Ideas in the Supporting Paragraphs

  Write the Introduction

  Write the Conclusion

  Create the Title

  Pull It All Together

  Sample First Draft by Caylah Francis


Activity Set 5: Write the First Draft

Stage 6: Revise the Essay

  Five Revision Strategies

  Peer Review: An Additional Revision Strategy

Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Peer Review Worksheet

Stage 7: Edit and Proofread

Student Essay: Final Edited and Proofread Draft by Caylah Francis


Activity Set 6: Revise the Essay

3. Description

What Is Description?

How Description Fits Your Purpose and Audience

  Objective and Subjective Description

  Tone and Language

Strategies for Using Description in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Description: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Leanna Stoufer


Activities: Description

Professional Selections: Description

Mario Suárez, “El Hoyo”

Cherokee Paul McDonald, “A View from the Bridge”

Judith Ortiz Cofer, “A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood”

Patricia Smith, “Talking Wrong”

Michael Johnston, “The Human Eye”

Additional Writing Topics

4. Narration

What Is Narration?

How Narration Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Narration in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Narration: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Laura Rose Dunn


Activities: Narration

Professional Selections: Narration

Audre Lorde, “The Fourth of July”

Lynda Barry, “The Sanctuary of School”

Daniel “Nane” Alejandrez, “César Chávez Changed My Life”

David Bardeen, “Lives; Not Close Enough for Comfort”

Dorothea Lange, “Migrant Mother”

Additional Writing Topics

5. Illustration

What Is Illustration?

How Illustration Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Illustration in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Illustration: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Charlene Adams


Activities: Illustration

Professional Selections: Illustration

Kay S. Hymowitz, “Tweens: Ten Going On Sixteen”

Casey Cavanaugh, “Why We Still Need Feminism”

Stuart Rojstaczer, “GradeInflation.com: Grade Inflation at American Colleges and Universities”

Beth Johnson,”Bombs Bursting in Air”

Emmy Blotnick, “A Visual History of Shoes”

Additional Writing Topics

6. Division-Classification

What Is Division-Classification?

How Division-Classification Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Division-Classification in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Division-Classification: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Catherine Gispert


Activities: Division-Classification

Professional Selections: Division-Classification

Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue”

David Brooks, “Harmony and the Dream”

Francis Gilbert, “What Makes a Great Teacher?”

Todd Kliman, “Coding and Decoding Dinner”

Truity Psychometrics, “The Best Careers for Your Personality Type”

Additional Writing Topics

7. Process Analysis

What Is Process Analysis?

How Process Analysis Fits Your Purpose and Audience

  Problem Solving

  Process Analysis Combined with Other Strategies

Strategies for Using Process Analysis in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Process Analysis: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Jared Mosley


Activities: Process Analysis

Professional Selections: Process Analysis

Amy Sutherland, “What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage”

Alex Horton, “On Getting By”

Caroline Rego, “The Fine Art of Complaining”

Werner Gundersheimer, “A Mother’s Secret”

Antonia C. Novello, “First Aid for Choking”

Additional Writing Topics

8. Comparison-Contrast

What Is Comparison-Contrast?

How Comparison-Contrast Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Comparison-Contrast in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Comparison-Contrast: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Blake Norman


Activities: Comparison-Contrast

Professional Selections: Comparison-Contrast

Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, “A Mickey Mouse Approach to Globalization”

Pico Iyer, “Chapels: On the Rewards of Being Quiet”

Stefany Anne Golberg, “You Can Take It with You”

Savita Iyer, “The Pros and Cons of Going Vegan”

Fatima Alissa, “Aleppo: Before and After the Syrian Civil War”

Additional Writing Topics 326

9. Cause-Effect

What Is Cause-Effect?

How Cause-Effect Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Cause-Effect in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Cause-Effect: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Erica Zwieg


Activities: Cause-Effect

Professional Selections: Cause-Effect

Jane S. Shaw, “Nature in the Suburbs”

Leila Ahmed, “Reinventing the Veil”

Jacques D’Amboise, “Showing What Is Possible”

Juan Williams, “The Ruling That Changed America”

DecideToDrive, “OMG”

Additional Writing Topics

10. Definition

What Is Definition?

How Definition Fits Your Purpose and Audience

Strategies for Using Definition in an Essay

Revision Strategies

Definition: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Olivia Fletcher


Activities: Definition

Professional Selections: Definition

Jhumpa Lahiri, “My Two Lives”

Laura Fraser, “The Inner Corset”

Lillian Comas-Díaz, “Hispanics, Latinos, or Americanos: The Evolution of Identity”

Josie Appleton, “The Body Piercing Project”

Quinn Mathews, “Global Warming Brochure”

Additional Writing Topics

11. Argumentation-Persuasion

What Is Argumentation-Persuasion?

How Argumentation-Persuasion Fits Your Purpose and Audience

  Logos, or Soundness of the Argument

  Pathos, or the Emotional Power of Language

  Ethos, or Credibility and Reliability 

  Analyzing Your Audience

Strategies for Using Argumentation-Persuasion in an Essay

Using Rogerian Strategy: A Checklist

Questions for Using Toulmin Logic: A Checklist

Revision Strategies

Argumentation-Persuasion: A Revision/Peer Review Checklist

Student Essay by Lydia Gumm


Activities: Argumentation-Persuasion

Professional Selections: Argumentation-Persuasion

Stanley Fish, “Free-Speech Follies”

Mary Sherry, “In Praise of the ‘F’ Word”

Wendell Berry, “Farming and the Global Economy”

Mike Rose, “Blue-Collar Brilliance”

Paired Readings: Obesity in America

Michael Marlow & Sherzod Abdukadirov, “Government Intervention Will Not Solve Our Obesity Problem”

Anna Brones, “Should the Government Be Responsible for Regulating Obesity?”

Paired Readings: Gender in the Classroom

Gerry Garibaldi, “How the Schools Shortchange Boys”

Michael Kimmel, “A War Against Boys?”

Paired Readings: Selling Human Organs

Alexander T. Tabarrok, “A Moral Solution to the Organ Shortage”

Virginia Postrel, “Need Transplant Donors? Pay Them”

Tami Luhby, Tal Yellin, and Caroline Matthews, “Just How Much Better Off Are College Grads Anyway?”

Additional Writing Topics

12. Combining the Patterns

The Patterns in Action: During the Writing Process

The Patterns in Action

Student Essay by Houston Barber

Professional Selections: Combining the Patterns

Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Remarks to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Plenary Session”

Alice Steinbach, “The Miss Dennis School of Writing”

Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal”

Paramount Pictures, “Selma”

Appendix A: A Guide To Using Sources

Understanding Primary Versus Secondary Research

Conducting Primary Research

  Conducting Interviews

  Gathering Information with Surveys

Conducting Secondary Research

  Finding Books on Your Subject

  Finding Periodicals on Your Subject

  Finding Sources on the Internet

  Learning More About the Advantages and Limitations of the Library and the Web

Preparing an Annotated Bibliography

  Recording Information About the Source

Critically Evaluating Sources



  Seriousness of Approach


Critically Evaluating Articles and Books: A Checklist

Critically Evaluating Internet Materials: A Checklist

Analyzing and Synthesizing Source Material

  Analyzing Source Material

  Synthesizing Source Materials

Analyzing and Synthesizing Source Material: A Checklist

Effectively Using Quotation, Summary, and Paraphrase




Using Quotation, Summary, and Paraphrase: A Checklist

  Avoiding Plagiarism

Integrating Sources into Your Writing

  Using Sources Effectively

  Awkward Use of a Quotation

  Effective Use of a Source

  Introducing a Source

  Using Variety in Attributions

  Shortening or Clarifying Quotations

  Capitalizing and Punctuating Short Quotations

  Presenting Statistics

Integrating Sources into Your Writing: A Checklist

Documenting Sources to Avoid Plagiarism

  What Needs to Be Documented?

  What Does Not Need to Be Documented?

Creating In-Text References: MLA Format

Preparing the Works Cited List: MLA Format

  General Instructions for the MLA Works Cited List

  Citation Examples

Preparing the References List: APA Format

  Parenthetic Citations in the Text

  General Instructions for the APA References List

  Citing Print Sources–Periodicals

  Citing Print Sources–Books

  Citing Sources Found on a Website

  Citing Sources Found Through an Online Database or Scholarly Project

  Citing Other Common Sources

Examining How Sources Are Used Correctly in Both MLA and APA Formats in a Student-Authored Research Essay

  MLA Style Documentation

  APA Style Documentation

Appendix B: Avoiding Ten Common Writing Errors

1. Fragments

2. Comma Splices and Run-ons

3. Faulty Subject—Verb Agreement

4. Faulty Pronoun Agreement

5. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

6. Faulty Parallelism

7. Comma Misuse

8. Apostrophe Misuse

9. Confusing Homonyms

10. Misuse of Italics and Underlining



Instalant Download The Longman Reader [RENTAL EDITION], 12th Edition by Judith Nadell Judith Nadell John Langan John Langan Deborah A Coxwell-Teague ZIP OR PDF

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